Manure Feature Related Research

Manure Feature Related Research

On Nutrient management calculations:

For Ontario: https://www.ontario.ca/page/calculating-nutrient-units-livestock-and-poultry

For British Columbia: https://nmp.apps.nrs.gov.bc.ca/



On Green house gas calculations:

Holos model:




Holos technical documentation:


Note from Aaron McPherson, the software developer for Holos:

 The Holos model is open source and freely available on GitHub. If you have developers who are familiar with C# they implement a custom solution to by-pass the GUI. Let me know if you have any other questions, Aaron (aaron.McPherson@agr.gc.ca)

Note from Roland Kroebel, Holos creator: There is a command line interface version (see GitHub repository) that can be used, but it wont have all the details of the GUI.