LF-2701 Test plan

LF-2701 Test plan

Custom crop photo for new crop variety not displaying on crop varieties or Crop catalogue page if added via Edit https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-2701

Role: N/A

User preferences: N/A


Dates: N/A

Switching farms:N/A

Input constraints: N/A

Data transformation: N/A

Cascading effects: N/A

Synchronous/ Asynchronous: N/A

External service: N/A

Test Suite

Test Step #


Test Data

Expected Result

Actual Result



While signed into a farm a FM/FO/EO, navigate to the crop catalogue and click “add a new crop”


User is redirected to the add crop flow




User inputs completes the add crop flow and makes sure to not add a custom image during the varietal step


Custom crop and variety created




User navigates to the crop catalogue and clicks on the new crop


Default image is displayed on the varietal page




User clicks on the varietal created above


Default image is displayed on the management page for the varietal




User clicks on the details tab, clicks “edit”, uploads a custom image and clicks “update”


User is redirected back to the management page for the varietal and the new custom image is displayed




User navigates back to the crop catalogue


The new custom image is displayed in the crop card for the above crop




User clicks on the crop card


The new custom image is displayed on the varietal page