LF-2359 Test plan
LF-2359 Test plan
Read-only task cards (Status = Abandoned or Completed) shouldn't have linked assignee and due date https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-2359
Role: N/A
User preferences: N/A
Dates: N/A
Switching farms:N/A
Input constraints: N/A
Data transformation: N/A
Cascading effects: N/A
Synchronous/ Asynchronous: N/A
External service: N/A
Test Suite
Test Step # | Description | Test Data | Expected Result | Actual Result | Pass/Fail |
1 | While signed on to a farm with existing completed and abandoned tasks, as FO/FM/EO. Ensure some of the abandoned tasks are assigned to the user and some are unassigned |
| Task due date and assignee are not underlined |
2 | Repeat step 1 while signed in as FW |
3 |