LF-2803 Test plan

LF-2803 Test plan

POST irrigation task https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-2803

Role: N/A


  • FW cannot assign anyone except themselves or leave the assignee blank the error: “Insufficient permissions to assign user” returned

  • FW cannot perform a wage override error: “Insufficient permissions to perform wage override” returned

User preferences: N/A

Dates: N/A

Switching farms: N/A

Input constraints: N/A

Data transformation: Default values for irrigation attributes are prepopulated

Cascading effects: N/A

Synchronous/ Asynchronous: N/A

External service: N/A

Test Suite

Test Step #


Test Data

Expected Result

Actual Result



While signed in to LiteFarm as a FO/FM/EO on a farm with crop enabled locations, a user begins and completes the creation of an irrigation task. The user makes sure to specify “other” for the “type of irrigation”, specify a custom irrigation task type and set it as default, and set their flow rate input as default


The user is redirected to the window where they began the task creation and a task card for the created irrigation task exists




The user clicks on the irrigation task card created above


The user is redirected to the details view for the task in step 1




The user then begins creation of a new irrigation task at the same location as step 1


When the user arrives at the irrigation attributes step, the values set as default in step one exist in the correct inputs




User repeats 1 through 3 while signed in as FW






Using an API testing tool. Copy the payload from step 4 and make a POST request to the task endpoint with the a payload that assigns the task to another valid user on the farm, with a FW bearer auth token


Error: “Insufficient permissions to assign user” returned




Using an API testing tool. Copy the payload from step 4 and make a POST request to the task endpoint with the a payload that overrides the wage, with a FW bearer auth token


Error: “Insufficient permissions to perform wage override” returned




Sign back into the farm in step 1 as FO/EO/FM/FW


3 irrigation task cards should exist in the tasks window



























































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