Sprint planning - S79
Start recording on Zoom!
Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing
Passcode: pR6P$KJ+
Themes and priorities for this sprint:
Understand how likely https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-3979 is to occur in the wild and either patch it or fix it on integration
Completion of Sprint planning - S78 | Themes and priorities for this sprint: (Read only; no create, update, or delete).
Review https://github.com/LiteFarmOrg/LiteFarm/pull/2931 and (ideally) get high value e2e running when integration is rebuilt
Tech debt tickets
Begin work on fully interactive user interface for Livestock Dashboard (https://www.figma.com/file/eMffC0h3JPlWtzNttxJpil/Litefarm-Updated?type=design&node-id=2780%3A48212&mode=design&t=mckGufx4VmYiUCAx-1), including:
Interactive KPIs
Desktop, mobile, and tablet views
Mocking of interactions and links to other pages, but no actual navigation / actions
Pre-reading for this sprint
Intro reads:
Getting started! [10 minutes]
Tips and tricks [5 minutes]
Intro to the LiteFarm app [20 minutes /w videos]
A brief tour of the codebase and tech stack [5 minutes]
Source control and the developer’s workflow [5 minutes]
Livestock specific reads:
We’re still working on https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/1378910214, so if you have 20-minutes or less before planning, read this. It’s the most relevant and probably the right level of detail for jumping in quickly without understanding the big picture.
Other readings haven’t been significantly updated since S78. However, they’re listed below from most high level to most detailed:
https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/822018049 [10 minutes]
https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/1368227863 [10 minutes]
https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/1378910214 [15 minutes]
https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/1309999105 [10 minutes]
https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/1404567587 [reference]
https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/1394835499 [5 minutes, reference]
What’s the definition of done for a story?
Language tags - (run
pnpm i18n
script in/webapp
)If En copy changes on a ticket please set all the non-En tags to “MISSING”
Es version of the language tag as “MISSING”
Pt version of the language tag as “MISSING”
Fr version of the language tag as “MISSING”
Unit testing
Check in with @Loic Sans if there’s a visual component to the story
Open up a PR, and leave it unassigned. Two reviewers from the core team will be automatically added. Core team to incorporate feedback given during peer review. (Check if this is working well for PRs from forks from contributors).
Passes peer review x 2
Anto will review all PRs
Second reviewer will be auto-added
Passes verification
Passes validation
Loïc and Anto to fill in for David/Kevin on validation
Team availability
S79 runs from … to …
Thursday, January 18th | Wednesday, January 31st |
Days in sprint: 9
Person | Days in sprint | Notes |
@Duncan Brain | 8.5 | OOO afternoon Friday, January 19th , Wed 24 morning |
@David Trapp | 7.5 | OOO Friday, January 26th, Half day Monday, January 22nd |
@Sayaka Ono | 9 |
@Joyce Sato-Reinhold | 9 |
@Denis Dovganyuk | 9 |
@Anto Sgarlatta | 9 | Potential half day week of Jan 22 - Jan 26 |
@Lite Farm | 8.5 | Snow days / school closures? 1/2 day Thursday, January 18th |
@Loic Sans |
@Larisse Cavalcante | 9 |
@Navdeep Dhammu | 2+ | Mostly in the evenings Has W / Th off, so will be more available |
@Gursimran Singh |
| Mostly in the evenings |