LF-2848 Test plan

Add scientific name to the new varietal creation flow https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-2848


  • FW cannot access crop_type page


User preferences:

  • Organic icons for certifying farms, no icons for non-certifying seeking farms



  • All FE validation should be mirrored via the API


Dates: N/A


Switching farms:N/A


Input constraints:

  • Genus allows alpha-numeric inputs between 0 and 200 characters in length

  • Species allows alpha-numeric inputs between 0 and 200 characters in length

Data transformation: N/A

Cascading effects:

  • Entered value overrides value from crop_type


Synchronous/ Asynchronous: N/A

External service: N/A

Test Suite

Test Step #


Test Data

Expected Result

Actual Result



While signed into a farm a FM/FO/EO, navigate to the crop catalogue and click “add a new crop”


User is redirected to the add crop flow. The following new elements exist:

  • “+ Add an image” link

  • Genus input

  • Species input

  • “Nominate this crop type for inclusion in the LiteFarm crop catalogue”

All formatted as per Jira ticket




User inputs a value for genus that is longer than 200 characters


In-line error “Genus cannot be longer than 200 characters”




User inputs a value for species that is longer than 200 characters


Inline error “Species cannot be longer than 200 characters”




User inputs valid values for genus, species and checks the nominate checkbox, and then completes the add crop flow and makes sure to not add custom images


Custom crop and variety created




Using a DB client view the crop table


All new columns.Values exist and are correct for the crop created above




User repeats step 1 through 5 this time adding a custom image