LF-2801 Test plan

Water use calculator https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-2801

Role: N/A


User preferences:

  • Units should display in the user’s preferred measuring system

  • Text is displayed in the user’s preferred language

Dates: N/A

Switching farms:N/A

Input constraints: N/A

Data transformation: Change in units selection for inputs or the value in the inputs updates the total water usage.

Cascading effects: N/A

Synchronous/ Asynchronous: N/A

External service: N/A

Test Suite

Test Step #


Test Data

Expected Result

Actual Result



While signed in to LiteFarm as a FW/FO/FM/EO begin the irrigation task creation flow, after the date and location selection and involve crops steps


User arrives at the irrigation task attributes screen.




User selects an irrigation type, selects the volume radio button in the “how do you measure water use” section, and clicks “Calculate water usage”


The volume water use calculator modal is displayed. The UI is formatted as per JIRA ticket




User inputs an estimated flow rate, checks the “set as default flow rate for this location” checkbox, inputs an estimated duration


Water usage label is updated with water usage calculation




User changes the value for estimated flow rate


Water usage label is updated with new water usage calculation




User changes the value for estimated duration


Water usage label is updated with new water usage calculation




User changes the units for estimated flow rate


Water usage label is updated with new water usage calculation




User changes the units for estimated duration


Water usage label is updated with new water usage calculation




User clicks save


User is returned to the irrigation task attributes screen and the estimated water usage calculated is displayed




selects the depth radio button in the “how do you measure water use” section, and clicks “Calculate water usage”


The depth water use calculator modal is displayed. The UI is formatted as per JIRA ticket




User inputs an estimated application depth, checks the “set as default application depth for this location” checkbox, inputs a % of location to be irrigated and clicks save


User is returned to the irrigation task attributes screen and the estimated water usage calculated is displayed




User changes the units for estimated application depth


Water usage label is updated with new water usage calculation




User changes the value for estimated application depth


Water usage label is updated with new water usage calculation




User changes the % of location to be irrigated


Water usage label is updated with new water usage calculation




User clicks save


User is returned to the irrigation task attributes screen and the estimated water usage calculated is displayed





User clicks “Calculate water usage”


Water use calculator modal is displayed




User clicks “cancel” or outside the modal


Water use calculator modal is dismissed




User changes their preferred measurement system and repeats step 1 through 14


All units inputs and labels display units in the users preferred measurement. Default flow rate and application depth selected above are persisted




User changes their language preference, begins the creation of a new irrigation task and makes sure to select “depth” as a measurement type and clicks on “water usage calculator


All text in the water usage calculator modal is displayed in the user’s preferred language or language tags exist




User clicks cancel and selects “volume” as a measurement type and clicks on “water usage calculator


All text in the water usage calculator modal is displayed in the user’s preferred language or language tags exist




User repeats step 18 and 19 for all language preference options