LF-2800 Test plan

Input (manual) irrigation task attributes https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-2800

Role: N/A

User preferences: Units should display in the user’s preferred measuring system


Dates: N/A

Switching farms:N/A

Input constraints:

  • Users cannot input more than 100 characters in the “what type of irrigation?” input box

  • Users cannot input a value less than 0 or greater than 999,999,999 in the “estimated water usage” input

Data transformation: N/A

Cascading effects: N/A

Synchronous/ Asynchronous: N/A

External service: N/A

Test Suite

Test Step #


Test Data

Expected Result

Actual Result



While signed in to LiteFarm as a FW/FO/FM/EO begin the irrigation task creation flow, after the date and location selection and involve crops steps


User arrives at the irrigation task attributes screen. The UI is formatted as per JIRA ticket




User clicks on the help icon


Help text is displayed




User selects each irrigation task type


The Default measuring type for each irrigation type is pre-populated as per JIRA ticket




User selects a type of irrigation task


User selection on how to measure water use for the irrigation type is updated to the default type




User selects how they measure water usage for this irrigation type and clicks “Calculate water usage”


Water use calculator modal is displayed




User clicks “cancel”


Water use calculator modal is dismissed




User selects other for type of irrigation task


What type of irrigation input becomes visible




User ensures all fields are filled and User checks both set as default checkboxes


Continue button becomes enabled




User clicks “<”


state in the redux store for the current task is updated




User clicks “continue” on the involve crops page


User is redirected back to the irrigation task attributes screen and previous inputs are displayed




User click “<“ and selects a different location and then clicks “continue”


User is redirected back to the irrigation task attributes screen and no inputs are displayed




User inputs irrigation task attributes for the new location, setting all attributes as default and then clicks “<“ followed by “Continue”


Irrigation task attributes for the location are persisted




User clicks “<“ and selects the initial location and then clicks “continue”


Irrigation task attributes for the location are persisted




User clicks cancel, and then confirms cancellation


User returned to the view where the task creation was initiated from.




User restarts the irrigation task creation process


State from the work in progress task is not present




User, changes their preferred measurement system, repeats steps 1 to 8 and clicks continue


Units displays have the correct for the users preferred measurement system, State in the redux store for the current task is updated




User clicks “<”


User is redirected back to the irrigation task attributes screen and previous inputs are displayed




User selects “other” in the “type of irrigation”drop-down and tries to input more than 100 characters in the “what type of irrigation?” input box


Inline validation error displayed




User tries to input a value less than 0 or greater than 999,999,999 in the “estimated water usage” input


Inline validation error displayed