Crop management plan statuses and ordering

Crop management plan statuses play several important roles. First and foremost is the ability to organize and order plans for the user. For example, farmers are likely to be more concerned about crops they’re actively cultivating right now (“Active”) rather than those they’ve planned but won’t begin to cultivate for several months (“Planned”). Likewise, if a user is trying to research the best method for growing a particular varietal, it’s valuable for them to be able to look through their past “Completed” plans while ignoring their past “Abandoned” plans. Pertinent but unrelated to this guidance is the ability for farmers to rate plans (1 - 5 stars) when they mark them as “Completed” or “Abandoned”.

Secondarily, it allows users to keep better tabs on succession planting.

Lastly, these values aggregate to the Varietal and Crop type level to give a rough approximation of how much activity is taking place for each crop type and varietal, respectively.




Can transition to …



Can transition to …


The user has created this crop management plan but actions towards the cultivation of the crop haven’t happened. Crop management plans default to “Planned” upon creation.

Active once the first task associated with this crop management plan is changed to “Completed”

Completed if the user marks the plan as completed

Abandoned if the user marks the plan as abandoned


Generally speaking, this crop is being actively cultivated. In LiteFarm terms, some tasks towards the care of this crop have been marked “Completed”, but the plan hasn’t yet been marked as “Completed” or “Abandoned”.

Completed if the user marks the plan as completed

Abandoned if the user marks the plan as abandoned


The productive lifespan for this crop has ended. Crop management plans can only enter this status when manually marked as “Completed” by a user.



Something went wrong with this crop and the plan had to be abandoned. Some examples include:

  • Too much / too little rain

  • Too much heat / cold

  • Poor seed

    • Insufficient labour



Crop management plan order


The default ordering of crop management plan cards when displayed together is as follows.


Primarily by status with current plans (e.g. Active and Planned) above past plans (Completed and abandoned). Within each category, the management plans should be secondarily ordered by the start date of the crop management plan (e.g. the first task on the plan).