LF-2818 Test plan

LF-2818 Test plan


Refactor custom field work tasks to mirror pattern for harvest_use_task

Role: N/A


Dates: N/A

Switching farms:N/A

Input constraints: N/A

Data transformation: N/A

Cascading effects: N/A

Synchronous/ Asynchronous: N/A

External service:N/A

Test Suite


Test Step #


Test Data

Expected Result

Actual Result



While signed in as FO/FM/EO/FW navigate to the tasks tab and begin creation of a field work task, complete the steps until you get to the “task details” view, on the “type of field work” drop down select “other”, type “Install irrigation” in the “Describe the type of field work” input, and complete the task creation flow


User is redirected back to the tasks view, and a task card exists for the newly created field work task




Click on the task card for the field work task created above


User is redirected to the details view for the task and field work details exist as specified in step 1




Signout and sign in as another user with access to the same farm. Navigate to the tasks tab and begin creation of a field work task, complete the steps until you get to the “task details” view, on the “type of field work” drop down select the “install irrigation” which should now exist, and complete the task creation flow




User is redirected back to the tasks view, and a task card exists for the newly created field work task




Click on the task card for the field work task created above


User is redirected to the details view for the task and field work details exist as specified in step 3





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