Task Assignments

For the Q3 2021 release only hierarchical assignments are in scope.

For diversified farms with workers, we need a means to assign tasks to workers. Per the guidance on , task assignment is only relevant to Basic or Advanced options.

The most straightforward approach to this is hierarchical. In this approach, a Farm Owner or Farm Manager (see ) assigns a task to a worker (for basic and advanced labour tracking) along with an estimated time to complete the task (for advanced labour tracking). In the advanced case, the worker then reports back how long the task took and how it made them feel.

However, since some farms may prefer a more collective or democratic management style, an approach based more on “planning poker” style estimations and self-assignments may work as well. In this approach, there would be a round robin style approach where each worker is asked to estimate how long a particular task will take and whether they are interested in taking on that task. LiteFarm would then report out the high and low estimates, and through some algorithm or discussion prompt ask the group to reach consensus on a time estimate. Likewise, through some algorithm, LiteFarm would assign the task to one of the individuals that had expressed interest in it. This approach could be a framework for the common morning meeting that many small diversified farms hold.