Labour Tracking

Farm Owners and Farm Managers in LiteFarm will have different needs in regard to their labour tracking. For small, one or two person farms it’s immediately obvious who did what and any additional information gathering is wasteful. On the other hand, large scale operations with dozens of employees may have much greater needs for labour tracking. To this end, LiteFarm will offer a tiered approach to labour tracking. Each additional tier, offers the user additional insights but requires additional inputs as well. In line with our of Accessibility, the default value is “None” (the least required data input) and we prompt and inform the user of their options when contextually relevant.

Labour Tracking Tiers








Tasks will not show an owner or assignee on the creation, view, or edit screen. Tasks are implicitly owned and assigned to the creator. Any user at the farm can change the status of a task.

  • Active by default

  • “Owner” and “Assignee” fields on tasks is not shown

  • Default “Owner” and “Assignee” are the creator of the task


Basic labour tracking allows you to assign an owner and assignee to tasks on your farm. When assignees are done, they mark the task as done and the task’s owner receives a notification. Basic labour tracking lets you keep track of who does what quickly and easily.

  • “Owner” and “Assignee” fields on tasks are shown

  • Default value of “Owner” field is the user creating the task (but is editable)

  • “Assignee” must be chosen from a list of active users

  • When indicating a task is complete, assignee just marks it as done

  • When an assignee marks a task as done, the owner receives a informational notification (informational toast)


Advanced labour tracking allows you to keep tight tabs on what’s happening at your farm. When assignees are done with a task, they have to state how long the task took and their satisfaction with the task before they can mark it done. The task’s owner will receive a notification and has the option to review the work before marking it complete. Advanced labour tracking lets you keep track of who does what, how long it took, and to review tasks as they’re completed.

Advanced labour tracking allows the system to give insights into labour costs per task or per crop

  • “Owner” and “Assignee” fields on tasks are shown

  • Default value of “Owner” field is the user creating the task (but is editable)

  • “Assignee” must be chosen from a list of active users

  • When indicating a task is complete, assignee must indicate how long it took them and how the task made them feel

  • Once marked done, the task enters an “In Review” status and the “Owner” receives a notification that the work is ready to be reviewed

  • “Owner” must sign-off on the work being done (confirmation toast)


Prompting a user to set their Labour Tracking preference

The user should be prompted to choose their level the first time they access one of the following screens:

  • After successfully inviting a second user to their farm: “Congrats - you’ve invited John Doe to Lucky Farms. Now that you’ve got help, lets talk about labour tracking. Do you want to use Basic {info_icon_description} or Advanced {info_icon_description} labour tracking?”. Default selection should be Basic.

  • (Provided there is more than one user) when creating a farm plan

  • (Provided there is more than one user) when creating the first task


Changing Labour Tracking after it’s been Initially Set

A Farm Owner and Farm Manager can update the setting at any point by going to the “Farm Settings” in Farm Profile.