S82 Grooming!

S82 Grooming!


Passcode: Zda$F0fT



Discussion points

  • Have different tabs for animal and crop tasks or no?

  • Is “Quick movement” a good term for unplanned / autonomous movement? No - probably not. “Unplanned movement” is a better term.

    • @David Trapp thought an unplanned movement wouldn’t be useful in reality. This would just be a WhatsApp conversation.

    • @Joyce Sato-Reinhold prefers the “unplanned movement” flow to the task creation. She would prefer having a task as optional within the unplanned movement flow, e.g. “Would you like to create a task to accompany this movement?”

    • @Duncan Brain thinks about this in terms of observations and tasks - e.g. an “escape” observation initiates a “find” task. Thinking about it as Point A → Point B overcomplicates it.

    • Decision: We will only support the movement task flow - no unplanned movements. Instead, users will have the option to say the animal is not where they had been and the purpose would be something like “Capturing escaped animals”.

  • @Joyce Sato-Reinhold + @Anto Sgarlatta pushed back on the timeline for locations. We don’t currently document changes to attributes on any tables:

    • @Anto Sgarlatta thinks recording changes to attributes is an epic sized chunk of work

    • MVP could be tasks targeting animals and crops.

  • For locations changes, @Loic Sans showcased:

    • Desktop pane

    • Discussed move for point locations

    • Discussed redraw flow for areas and lines




Due date




Due date


Schedule a deep dive with: @Joyce Sato-Reinhold, @Loic Sans, @Duncan Brain, @David Trapp

@Lite Farm



To decide whether on mobile view: Should we show how many animals match your current search, filter, and KPI selection criteria?

@Loic Sans


Joyce was in favour.

To investigate how other apps support csv upload for animals - how user friendly / aligned with csvbox flow is it?

@Lite Farm



To create a refactor tickets to update search behaviour in other pages in the app

  • Finances

  • Crops

  • Tasks

@Loic Sans