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Intro to Beta tags
Discussion and estimation of https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-4127
Discussion and estimation on https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-4100
Additional animal attributes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ry-KCH5UgslV1y1sA_8aeN_hU_OEiaAb9IuVULd2b7s/edit#gid=0
Level of effort for different animal creation flow:
Early look at Locations additions and refactors (see https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/edit-v2/1404633175), for debate:
Redraw / edit polygon flows
Viewing historical locations
Look and feel change to support the addition of animals and timeline to crops | tasks | details
Animal movements (see https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/edit-v2/1421312001 )
Planned movement vs. quick movements
Discussion points
Intro to Beta tags
Need to support two different user interactions:
First time someone navigates to a beta page show them a modal explaining what “Beta” tag means with a link to a post explaining in more detail
Have a beta link on every beta page that they can click on to submit feedback
Joyce and David had a strong distaste for having the floating “help” icon on the side - looks bad and makes it difficult to select things. Anto suggested having in float at the top. Could also add it to the top bar.
Could just have the “beta” icon as a shortcut to the submit a ticket feature, and not actually have the ticket be top level.
Duncan asked whether the goal is to solicit feature feedback or submit bug reports - BOTH!
We could proactively check in with users as they interact with new features. This is probably a better approach but requires more effort and infrastructure to implement.
Ticket should include the page where the bug took place
Nice to have: User can screenshot on the bug ticket (see MediaDevices: getDisplayMedia() method - Web APIs | MDN )
Should we link to productboard? Perhaps after submitting a ticket? Seems like there’s very little drawback to doing this.
Additional animal attributes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ry-KCH5UgslV1y1sA_8aeN_hU_OEiaAb9IuVULd2b7s/edit#gid=0
Should we be storing citation along with the data in the database?
Argument for: science minded users
Joyce felt strongly that our sources for animal data were not sufficient and that if we’re positioning ourselves as a researcher / farmer collaborative, we need to have better sourced data.
Regional number could be much more accurate
We know crop data vary widely based on region, varietal, and practices. Is there a similar spread for animals?
Very wrong suggestions make LiteFarm look bad
@Lite Farm to schedule a deep dive with: @Joyce Sato-Reinhold, @Loic Sans, @Duncan Brain, @David Trapp (Unlicensed)
Level of effort for different animal creation flow:
Options included: repuroposing sensor code, csvbox.io, building a new upload flow using react library
Task | Owner | Due date | Notes |
To decide whether on mobile view: Should we show how many animals match your current search, filter, and KPI selection criteria? | @Loic Sans |
| Joyce was in favour. |
To investigate how other apps support csv upload for animals - how user friendly / aligned with csvbox flow is it? | @Lite Farm |
To create a refactor tickets to update search behaviour in other pages in the app
| @Loic Sans |