S81 Grooming!

S81 Grooming!

Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing

Passcode: UaW=N6ij



Discussion points

  • Intro to Beta tags

    • Need to support two different user interactions:

      • First time someone navigates to a beta page show them a modal explaining what “Beta” tag means with a link to a post explaining in more detail

      • Have a beta link on every beta page that they can click on to submit feedback

    • Joyce and David had a strong distaste for having the floating “help” icon on the side - looks bad and makes it difficult to select things. Anto suggested having in float at the top. Could also add it to the top bar.

    • Could just have the “beta” icon as a shortcut to the submit a ticket feature, and not actually have the ticket be top level.

    • Duncan asked whether the goal is to solicit feature feedback or submit bug reports - BOTH!

      • We could proactively check in with users as they interact with new features. This is probably a better approach but requires more effort and infrastructure to implement.

    • Ticket should include the page where the bug took place

    • Nice to have: User can screenshot on the bug ticket (see MediaDevices: getDisplayMedia() method - Web APIs | MDN )

    • Should we link to productboard? Perhaps after submitting a ticket? Seems like there’s very little drawback to doing this.

  • Additional animal attributes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ry-KCH5UgslV1y1sA_8aeN_hU_OEiaAb9IuVULd2b7s/edit#gid=0

    • Should we be storing citation along with the data in the database?

      • Argument for: science minded users

    • Joyce felt strongly that our sources for animal data were not sufficient and that if we’re positioning ourselves as a researcher / farmer collaborative, we need to have better sourced data.

      • Regional number could be much more accurate

      • We know crop data vary widely based on region, varietal, and practices. Is there a similar spread for animals?

      • Very wrong suggestions make LiteFarm look bad

      • @Lite Farm to schedule a deep dive with: @Joyce Sato-Reinhold, @Loic Sans, @Duncan Brain, @David Trapp (Unlicensed)

  • Level of effort for different animal creation flow:

    • Options included: repuroposing sensor code, csvbox.io, building a new upload flow using react library

      • Several sprints for upload flow using react library (not a contender)

      • Perhaps 1 sprint for csvbox.io (paid service)

      • Building the bulk creation flow would be roughly comparable with csvbox.io

        • Anto and Duncan thought it would be bizarre to not have a native UI and force users to use an external program




Due date




Due date






To decide whether on mobile view: Should we show how many animals match your current search, filter, and KPI selection criteria?

@Loic Sans


Joyce was in favour.

To investigate how other apps support csv upload for animals - how user friendly / aligned with csvbox flow is it?

@Lite Farm



To create a refactor tickets to update search behaviour in other pages in the app

  • Finances

  • Crops

  • Tasks

@Loic Sans



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