Design Planning

Design Planning

Work in progress

Participants: @Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed), @Kevin Cussen, @Jose Alvaro Flores Gambarelli (Unlicensed)


this takes up a lot of real estate and doesn’t make it super clear that modifying the dates / filters will change the overall indicator.

Design session notes:

  • Mixing individual expenses/revenues and categories of expenses/revenues in the UI

  • Which Dashboard / indicators are based on the filter? Which are not?




  • How do I know what period / filters are applied to the top level indicators?

  • Loved the ability to make a template for a CSA box! However, CSA boxes will change every week, not just seasonally. It is useful to be able to document the contents of the box and say it will be used for a bunch of customers - it just won’t be re-used week to week or even year-to-year.

  • Elaborated products will be a larger piece of work influenced heavily by the Data Food Consortium standard: https://datafoodconsortium.gitbook.io/dfc-standard-documentation/semantic-specifications/business-ontology

  • “Delete category” should be “Retire category”




  • Do we have budgets in LiteFarm?

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