LF-2806 Test plan
Notify of assignment to irrigation taskhttps://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-2806
Role: N/A
User preferences: N/A
Dates: N/A
Switching farms:N/A
Input constraints: N/A
Data transformation: N/A
Cascading effects: N/A
Synchronous/ Asynchronous: N/A
External service: N/A
Test Suite
Test Step # | Description | Test Data | Expected Result | Actual Result | Pass/Fail |
1 | While signed in to LiteFarm as a FO/FM/EO on a farm with crop enabled locations, a user begins and completes the creation of an irrigation task. Ensures the task is assigned to another user on the farm |
| The user is redirected to the window where they began the task creation and a task card for the created irrigation task exists |
2 | User signs out and signs in as the user assigned the irrigation task in step one |
| The notification bell shows that a new notification exists |
3 | User clicks on the notification bell |
| User is redirected to the notifications window and a notification card exists for the task created in step 1 and is formatted as described https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-2308 |
4 | User clicks on the notification card |
| User is redirected to the notification details view formatted as described https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/browse/LF-2377 |
5 | User clicks take me there |
| User is redirected to the details view on the notification created in step 1 |
6 | User un-assigns the task signs out and logs in as the user in step 1 |
| Notification bell shows a new notification exists |
7 | User clicks notification bell and then clicks on the notification card for the new notification |
| Notification details show threading |
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