LF-2791 Test plan

LF-2791 Test plan


Buffer zone read-only missing unit display and labelled as (optional), and not displaying length

Role: N/A

User preferences: Units should display in the user’s preferred measuring system


Dates: N/A

Switching farms:N/A

Input constraints: N/A

Data transformation: N/A

Cascading effects: N/A

Synchronous/ Asynchronous: N/A

External service:N/A

Test Suite


Test Step #


Test Data

Expected Result

Actual Result



While signed in as FO/FM/EO navigate to the farm map view, and add a buffer zone. Confirm the the width in the modal, input a buffer zone name and click “save”


User is redirected back to the farm map and buffer zone exists




Click on the buffer zone


User redirected to the details view for the selected buffer zone. Details exist as input above. Units exist for all numerical input fields and are in the user’s preferred measuring system. Labels for buffer zone width does not have the text “(optional)”




User navigates to the farm profile, changes their preferred measuring system and navigates back to the details tab for the above buffer zone


Units exist for all numerical input fields and are in the user’s preferred measuring system