Implementing a Content Delivery Network

Implementing a Content Delivery Network


☑ Draft   ☐ Proposed    ☐ Accepted    ☐ Rejected    ☐ Superseded


Jimmy Rowland has suggested that LiteFarm should use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to improve the network load times of LiteFarm’s front-end application.


  1. Cloudflare

  2. KeyCDN

  3. …?

Forces at play for this decision include:

  1. The need to improve LiteFarm load times, especially for users geographically distant from the New York city location of the servers. This entails a need to effectively speed up the React/Redux front end built with vite.

  2. A desire to minimize impact on existing infrastructure, and for easy integration with existing Digital Ocean droplets.

  3. Continued support.

  4. A reasonable focus on keeping costs down.


We select … because …

We accept that …