Updating LiteFarm Consent Forms
Be signed into your github account
Click into packages/webapp/src/containers/Consent
To update integration ensure you are on develop branch
To update production ensure you are on master branch
This is the folder that is holding the different consent form files in different languages
Click on the consent file you want to edit in the language you want to edit it options are:
en/Owner.Consent.md (english)
en/Worker.Consent.md (english)
es/Owner.Consent.md (spanish)
es/Worker.Consent.md (spanish)
pt/Owner.Consent.md (portuguese)
pt/Worker.Consent.md (portugese)
To modify the file, click on the pencil icon on the top right corner of the page
If you find you are having issues editing the file or don’t know how to, checkout the EDITING_TERMS
Once you have finished making your modifications, scroll to the bottom of the page and click
Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request. Learn more about pull requests.
After that click “Propose Changes”
Github will create a new branch with your changes, and you’ll be prompted to Open a pull request (as shown below):
Add a note describing your changes to the privacy policy and click “Create pull request” at the bottom right.
Now, you need to wait for your Pull Request to be approved by a member of the team. After that is done, you will see that file updated on the repository, or you will be able to check it out on the environment you modified it.