WIP - I want to work at LiteFarm!

WIP - I want to work at LiteFarm!

Awesome! And we would love to have you!

As a first step please check out our careers page to see if what you are looking for is already available.


If the role you’re looking for is not ☝️, don’t despair! We may be able to figure something out….

You should know that unlike most software organisations, the funding for LiteFarm does not come from selling a product. Since LiteFarm is an Open Source and not-for-profit business much of our budget comes from grants and donations. That means that each team member’s salary is typically tied to one or more grant deliverables. So in order for LiteFarm to hire someone, their position needs to be submitted as part of a grant proposal that is accepted and then funded. Historically, we’re very good at this, but the process can take several months.


That said, if LiteFarm is where you want to be there are things we can do to make it happen!

  • If you are able to be a regular contributor, that’s the first place we look when we need to fill a role. To get started on that path, please check out one of these resources:

    • Software Developers check out → I want to grow as a developer!

    • UI/UX Designers pease see → I want to grow as a UI/UX designer! (page not yet available)

    • Farmer Success over here → I want to help farmers use LiteFarm! (page not yet available)

  • Then, once you are part of the community, let leadership know that you are interested in a paid position so that they can start including you in grant proposals. A good chunk of the current “Core team” got their start this way! 


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