S57 Retrospective (2023-02-22)

S57 Retrospective (2023-02-22)



Feb 22, 2023

In sprint

@Mwayanjana Bolokonya (Unlicensed) @David Trapp@Lite Farm @Duncan Brain @Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed) @Gursimran Singh @Craig Yu @Jawadur Rahim (Unlicensed) @Ebert Mota @Sayaka Ono@Javier Antonio Hernandez De Paz @Joyce Sato-Reinhold

At retro

@David Trapp @Lite Farm @Duncan Brain @Javier Antonio Hernandez De Paz @Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed) @Sayaka Ono @Mwayanjana Bolokonya (Unlicensed) @Joyce Sato-Reinhold @Jawadur Rahim (Unlicensed)


This retro is for S57: Thursday, February 9th - Wednesday, Feb 22nd

Please add comments before the meeting! We’ll take a few minutes to add additional comments and discuss, then put together action items to operationalize suggestions.

Last sprints (S56) retro is here: 2023-02-08 (S56) Retrospective


S57 Discussion topics:

  • New thoughts on Draft PRs?

    • @Joyce Sato-Reinhold took a different approach this sprint, she:

      • Only did 1 approach instead of multiple and very thoroughly documented her approach in comments on the PR (https://github.com/LiteFarmOrg/LiteFarm/pull/2461 )

      • Only Duncan reviewed the draft PR; one theory is when there are many PRs vying for your attention a draft one becomes de-prioritized

      • A few other approaches we could employ draft PRs for:

        • @Sayaka Ono ‘s approach for work that’s “in progress” but not ready for approval

        • Jimmy’s approach for more experimental features that aren’t necessarily on the roadmap

      • Final guidance on using Draft PRs: use them if it helps your process!

  • Feedback on Mwaya’s unit testing guidance: Jest unit test guidance

    • Add a section on “what not to test”, what is the threshold to not create a test

    • Would be nice to know how are unit tests part of a more holistic testing strategy?

    • Would be nice to have a seed database with pre-made farms, users, crops, etc. that create a few baseline environments for testing. A few examples include “Farm with wild crops”, “Farm with paid and unpaid users”, etc.

      • @Joyce Sato-Reinhold: I'm very fond of this idea because a large volume of the code in each test file involves the setup of the farms, users, etc. Moving this setup into a database seeding script would make the tests much shorter and more readable. But it would also introduce the complexities of keeping the testing files in sync with the seed script and knowing when to use the current approach with the mocks vs. relying on the seed database.

    • Combine into this document / section? The api package | Backend tests

  • Thoughts on a LiteFarm calendar for tracking OOO, meetings, and events?

    • For folks with @litefarm.org you can automatically view their calendars on google calendar

    • For folks without @litefarm.org you can request to view (“subscribe”) their calendar on google calendar

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Shout outs

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Shout outs

  • Some sort of automated process / notification whenever a PR is made that needs review

    • Could auto-assign people to specific reviews

    • If you’re particular people are interested in a PR, feel free to self-assign and (after checking in with Sayaka or Duncan) remove the auto-assigned person

    • Auto-assigned folks should feel free to unassign and re-assign if there’s someone else who knows the code better

  • Kevin being in charge of merging; I feel like this introduces inefficiencies and should be owned by someone(s) closer to the code - @Sayaka Ono will take on merge responsibilities

  • Getting in bigger tickets early in the sprint to create loads of time for feedback which is great

  • Shout out to @Javier Antonio Hernandez De Paz for coming in out of nowhere and crushing out 4 tickets on his first sprint - keep it up!

  • Shout out to @David Trapp, @Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed), and @Duncan Brain for building a multi-disciplinary team to evaluate and choose a new outreach tool. I’m loving the initiative and ownership on display.

  • Shout out to the whole team for high code quality and quality assurance, this is the first sprint in a while where 100% of tickets that passed verification also passed validation

  • @Duncan Brain for his uncanny ability to give correct advice

  • @Sayaka Ono for being able to read through and find the details in complex PRs as if were nothing!

  • @Lite Farm for braving Alberta to share and represent LiteFarm

  • @Mwayanjana Bolokonya (Unlicensed) for your astoundingly careful eye making me reconsider parts of my PR that I assumed just worked

  • Thanks contributors for another strong showing this week !

  • Thanks to @Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed) @Mwayanjana Bolokonya (Unlicensed) @David Trapp – while its not always super visible on the sprint tickets here just wanted to say I appreciate the work you do and want to recognize you help and work you do !

  • @Joyce Sato-Reinhold for bringing an incredible level of thoughtfulness to her work!

  • @Sayaka Ono @Duncan Brain great work reviewing PR’s

Action items:

@Lite Farm to auto-assign Duncan and Sayaka to PRs
@Lite Farm to give @Sayaka Ono merge access


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