S88 Grooming!

Recording link:



  • Product Inventory

  • Create animals + batches refresher

Discussion points

  • Where are we with animals code wise?

    • Push to next grooming?

  • Product inventory:

    • Last updated field?

      • Last used section on table could be developed further to accomodate: When exactly, what task etc…

      • Last updated is different than last used

    • Library

      • Would be nice to not show all in Litefarm library to limit drop downs

      • Could add it to the + button add new product

      • Supplier can’t be pre-populated: For commonly used soil amendment product, as an exemple, Supplier could be: “Generic“ TBD

    • Purpose filter

      • Currently on the task product not the product – can be inferred

    • New UI elements

      • This is a first draft we can discuss feasibility in the future


  • Current state of Soil Amendment

    • Developers will come to David about when we are 1 sprint out from sanity

  • Consent policy UI/UX

    • With Soil amendment or not with soil amendment release?

      • Possible double logout situation if bundled with release notes change?

      • Possible no release notes without release notes change.

        • Should want release notes about consent changes?

  • Newest changes to Soil Amendment

    • Furrow hole

    • fertiliser type

    • see requirements tickets




Due date




Due date
