Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 815f41e5-e5fb-3402-8587-82eccc3ffab0 key LF-3060 To complete a task while creating it:
Day: today or in the past;
Assignee: who is creating it or an user with an account
New tasks screen
Extract task sorting into a top level interaction (e.g. “Happening first”)
Happening first: today first, tomorrow, later in the week
What about late tasks? TBD Loic Sans
Pre-made date filters (e.g. “This week”)
Should they be dynamic and based on today + 6 or static and Su - M? Loic Sans : The tasks set to upcoming week, should list task for today + following 6 days.
Sorting needs some thought (esp around how to incorporate late tasks)
Time link should be combined with date
Repeating tasks (https://www.figma.com/file/eMffC0h3JPlWtzNttxJpil/Litefarm-Updated?type=design&node-id=9615-151666&mode=design&t=ynDtgPceIJT9KvS6-4)
Is “Repeat Settings” a good name to describe modifying the sequence?
Repetition option can also be selected when creating the task
What are occurences?
Additional instances of the same task on the same day at different times
Animal movements (see https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/edit-v2/1421312001 / https://www.figma.com/file/eMffC0h3JPlWtzNttxJpil/Litefarm-Updated?type=design&node-id=7841-58807&mode=design&t=ynDtgPceIJT9KvS6-4 )
Remove the restriction on moving from one location to the same one, perhaps just show some text if they set the same start and destination location, e.g. “Some or all of your animals are already at <location>. Do you want to proceed?”
Can we simplify the table to remove the checkboxes? Just show the animals and their locations
Do we need a checkbox to indicate an animal isn’t in the location LiteFarm thinks they are?
Feeding task (https://www.figma.com/file/eMffC0h3JPlWtzNttxJpil/Litefarm-Updated?type=design&node-id=9615-151666&mode=design&t=ynDtgPceIJT9KvS6-4)
Didn’t discuss!