Bug Bash 2024-11-29 Animals

Bug Bash 2024-11-29 Animals

Bug Bash Fundamentals

What is a bug bash?

It’s a collaborative event where the whole team, no matter what their role is, comes together to try to “break” the application in creative ways ahead of a release. The goal is to find as many bugs as possible in a short period of time, and since every person in the team will have their own unique perspective and use the application in different ways, there are better chances of uncovering issues, defining how severe they are and if needed fixing them ahead of the release. It’s also a great opportunity for people to spend some time familiarizing themselves with the application and putting themselves in the shoes of one of our users. And last but not least, breaking things can actually be fun! By doing bug bashes often, we’re cultivating a blame-free culture where we take bugs as a chance to bond as a team, learn and improve.

How do I participate?

  1. If you’re willing to collaborate with this bug bash, please write your name down in the Participants section. If possible add details about what language(s) you’re using when testing the app, as well as which user role(s) you’re logging in as. This will help us know if there are any languages or roles not currently being covered by anyone.

  2. Read through the scope of what we’re testing in the Scope section. The scope will usually be defined based on what kind of changes we are pushing out on the upcoming release and it’s a guidance on which are the main things to keep an eye on. That being said, if you do find any bugs that are unrelated to the scope, feel free to report them anyway.

  3. If the bug bash is done synchronously, there’ll be a meeting where we all come together and test at the same time with a time box. If it’s done asynchronously, we’ll aim to have the session open for enough time that people in different timezones are able to participate. In that case, feel free to participate whenever you can and have the time and to time box depending on what your schedule looks like. Everything helps, so even if you only have limited time to test, you might discover something that nobody else has found before. Information on the timing of the meeting or asynchronous session can be found in the Session details section

What do I do if I find a bug?

First off, congratulations on finding it! To report the bug, head over to the Bugs section and add a new row in the table. The row should include your name and a brief description of the bug, on the Details field please add as much information as possible. Please provide reproduction steps and expected/actual behavior, and if you have the time, screenshots or video recordings of what you encountered will be extremely helpful. You don’t need to fill out the Pre-existing, Priority or Blocker fields as those will be filled out once the session is over.

If you spot a bug and you see someone else has already reported it and it’s on the table, you can go ahead and just add your name to the “Also seen by” column to mark that the bug is encountered frequently, without having to write down all the details again.

What happens after the bug bash?

Once the bug bash session is over, the team will go over the list of bugs that were found and prioritize them. For each issue, we’ll try to answer these three questions:

  • Was this bug caused by the change we’re aiming to push out on this release, or does it currently exist in production?

  • How severe and how frequent is this bug, or in other words, what’s the priority for fixing it?

  • Should this bug block the upcoming release?

No matter the result, if the issue found is something we’d like to fix eventually, we’ll create the corresponding ticket in Jira and add it to the Backlog. If we come to the conclusion that one or more bugs are actually blocking the upcoming release, we’ll add those tickets to the current sprint and give them the highest priority. If no bugs are found that are blocking, we’ll proceed with the release process as normal and work on the reported issues in future sprints depending on their priority.




User role(s)



User role(s)

E.g.: @Anto Sgarlatta

E.g.: Spanish, English

E.g.: Farm Owner, Farm Worker

@Riddhi Battu


Farm Owner

@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

English, Punjabi

Farm Manager, Farm Worker

@Sayaka Ono

English, Japanese

Farm Owner

@Larisse Cavalcante

Portuguese, English

Farm Manager

@Denis Dovganyuk

English, French

Farm Owner and Farm Worker

@David Trapp (Unlicensed)


Farm manager











This bug bash will concentrate on testing the features introduced in the patch which introduces powerful new functionality, enabling users to create and manage animals within LiteFarm. With this update, users can efficiently plan and document animal management processes, ensuring proper execution by the assigned staff. If you would like to learn more about the specific changes, find additional details here: https://lite-farm.atlassian.net/projects/LF/versions/10019/tab/release-report-all-issues

Purpose of the Patch:

The update aims to empower users with the ability to create and manage animals within LiteFarm. To ensure this functionality is working as expected, thorough testing will be required across all related features.

Key Areas to Test:

  1. Animal Creation:

    • Creating a single animal.

    • Creating a batch of animals.

  2. Animal Management:

    • Editing animal details (e.g., name, breed, health status, etc.).

    • Deleting animals (individual and batch).

  3. Data Validation and Interactions:

    • Ensure accurate data entry and validation across forms.

    • Verify that updates are correctly reflected in the UI

  4. Usability and Edge Cases:

    • Verify the user interface and experience during the creation, editing, and deletion processes.

    • Test edge cases (e.g., invalid input, large batch sizes, and boundary conditions).

  5. Performance and Load:

    • Assess system performance when managing large numbers of animals.

    • Ensure batch operations execute efficiently.


  • Confirm that all features related to animal management function as intended.

  • Identify and document any bugs, inconsistencies, or areas of improvement.

  • Provide feedback on usability and overall experience.

Thank you for your attention to detail during this critical testing phase! Your insights will be invaluable in ensuring a smooth rollout of these new features.

User Stories

As a (potential) LiteFarm user of any role:

Animal Management Guidelines

Viewing and Adding Animals

  1. Viewing Animals:

    • Ensure that accessing the Animals page displays all previously created animals.

    • Verify that the option to create new animals is visible, except for Farm Worker accounts (who should not see the create option).

  2. Adding New Animals:

    • Starting the Creation Process:

      • Confirm that clicking the “+” button in the bottom-left corner of the app initiates the process to add new animals to the farm.

    • Required Fields Validation:

      • Ensure that the creation process cannot be completed without filling in all required fields.

    • Adding Multiple Animal Types:

      • Verify that users can create two or more animal types during the same process by clicking the “+ Add More Animals” button.

    • Individual and Batch Creation:

      • Ensure users can create both individual animal profiles and animal batches seamlessly.

    • Adding Custom Animal Types and Breeds:

      • Confirm that users can add custom animal types and custom breeds by typing a name that does not already exist on their farm.

    • Preventing Duplicate Custom Entries:

      • Verify that users cannot create a custom animal type or custom breed if it already exists on their farm.

    • Removing Animals During Creation:

      • Ensure users can remove animals during the creation process by clicking the “Remove” button on the corresponding animal card.

    • Handling Page Reload or Cancel:

      • Check that reloading the page or clicking the “Cancel” button triggers an informative pop-up message warning users that their progress will be discarded.

Animal Movement Task

  1. Task Display:

    • Confirm that the Tasks page displays all tasks related to the user’s farm.

  2. Creating a Movement Task:

    • Verify that clicking the “+” button allows the user to select “Movement Task.”

    • Ensure that users can select multiple animals or batches during the creation process.

  3. Location Selection:

    • Confirm that during the creation of an Animal Movement task, users can choose from the following locations:

      • Barn, Field, Garden, Greenhouse Area, Natural Area, Surface Water, and Buffer Zone.

    • Ensure that the following locations cannot be selected:

      • Ceremonial Area, Residence, Watercourse, Gate, Fence, Farm Boundary, and Water Valve.

Custom Task Type Creation

  • Creating a New Custom Task Type:
    Verify that users can successfully create a new custom task type without issues.

  • Duplicate Prevention:
    Ensure that the system prevents the creation of duplicate custom task types (i.e., task types with the same name as an existing one).

  • Deleting a Custom Task Type:
    Confirm that users can delete a custom task type after it has been created.

Creating a Custom Task

  • Animal-Related Tasks:
    Verify that users can create custom tasks specifically related to animals (e.g., cleaning, feeding, animal health check or movement tasks).

  • General Tasks:
    Ensure that users can create custom tasks that are not related to animals, allowing for flexibility in task creation.

Custom Task Management

  • Deleting Custom Task Types:
    Confirm that users can delete a custom task type, ensuring it is removed from the system while maintaining the integrity of existing tasks.

  • Completing or Abandoning Custom Tasks:
    Verify that users can complete or abandon a custom task once it has been created.

  • Modifying Tasks During Completion:
    Ensure that users can make necessary changes to a custom task (e.g., updating due dates or assignees) while the task is still in progress.

Additional Considerations:

  • Test edge cases such as invalid input (e.g., empty task type names) and boundary conditions (e.g., maximum character limits for names).

  • Assess the usability and performance when managing a large number of custom task types or tasks.

  • Confirm that permissions for creating and managing custom tasks align with user roles (e.g., Farm Worker restrictions).

Task Management Testing Guidelines

  • Completing Tasks:
    Verify that users can successfully complete the Animal Movement Task and that it is marked as completed in the system.

  • Post-Completion Restrictions:
    Ensure that once the task is marked as completed, no further changes can be made to its details, and attempts to modify values are prevented.

  • Editing Task Details:
    Confirm that users can update the “Due Date” and “Assignee” for tasks that are still active (not completed).

  • Farm Worker Permissions:

    • Task Creation Restriction: Verify that Farm Worker accounts cannot create an Animal Movement Task.

    • Task Completion Permission: Ensure that Farm Workers can complete Movement Tasks assigned to them.

    • Assignee Modification Restriction: Confirm that Farm Workers cannot change the assignee if the task is already assigned to someone else.

  • Task Deletion or Abandonment:
    Ensure that users retain the ability to delete or abandon an Animal Movement Task as needed, provided it is not marked as completed.


Filters Functionality

  1. Filter Accuracy:

    • Test various filter combinations to ensure they return the correct results.

  2. KPI Animal Card Updates:

    • Confirm that KPI animal cards update accurately as new animals are added to the farm.

  3. KPI Card Filtering:

    • Verify that clicking a KPI animal card correctly filters the results displayed in the animal table.

Account Permissions

  1. FO/FM/EO Account Permissions:

    • Confirm that Farm Owner (FO), Farm Manager (FM), and Extension Officer (EO) accounts can:

      • Create movement tasks.

      • Manage animals, including creating, editing, and deleting profiles or batches.

  2. Farm Worker Account Restrictions:

    • Ensure that Farm Worker accounts cannot:

      • Create movement tasks.

      • Delete or create new animals.

  3. Farm Worker Access:

    • Verify that Farm Worker accounts can:

      • Access and view the Animals Inventory page.

      • Complete movement tasks assigned to them.

Movement Task Creation Process

  1. Completing Tasks:

    • During Movement Task creation, verify that users can assign the task to themselves and mark it as completed.

  2. Cancelling Task Creation:

    • Ensure that clicking the “Cancel” button displays a confirmation pop-up:

      • Clicking “No” allows users to continue the process.

      • Clicking “Yes” aborts the process and redirects users to the Tasks page.

  3. Post-Creation Verification:

    • After creating a task, confirm that task details are accurate and visible in view-only mode on the Tasks page.

    • Ensure that notifications are triggered for assignees when tasks are created, completed, abandoned, or deleted.

  4. Task Management:

    • Verify that users can delete or abandon tasks after they are created.

    • Confirm that navigating back and forth during the task creation flow retains previously entered information.

Finance Documentation

  • Ensure that upon completing or abandoning a movement task or a custom task, the labor expense is calculated correctly and reflected on the Finances page.

Support requests or feedback

  • Ensure that you are able to send the support request to a LiteFarm support team. ( We changed the position of that button, now you may find it in the top right corner of the app.)

  • Ensure that all the information is visible and translated correctly.

  • Ensure that you are not able to send it without filling all the required information

Adding Usability Suggestions

To ensure a user-friendly experience, we encourage testers to share their insights and feedback regarding usability improvements. You can submit your suggestions directly in the testing document under a dedicated section titled "Usability Suggestions."

  • Be specific about the feature or area of the application your suggestion pertains to.

  • Provide clear descriptions of your observations or proposed changes to help the team understand and address your feedback effectively.

Your input is invaluable in enhancing the LiteFarm experience!



Usability Suggestions:




Have the same opinion?




Have the same opinion?

E.g.: @Anto Sgarlatta

E.g.: The “+” add button is too large


Repro steps

  1. Access LiteFarm logged out

  2. Click on the Google SSO button


Should navigate to the Google page to choose an account


Nothing happens



E.g. @Joyce Sato-Reinhold





@Duncan Brain

Some way to pre-fill more of the animal creation data

Repro steps

  1. Go to create animal

  2. Create 100 animals, choosing “create individual profiles”

  3. Click next

  4. Add breed image to all 100 animals individually, or add supplier to all animals individually, or etc …



Either able to specify more/most fields on the previous screen, or some other mechanism


Must add details to each individual animal.


I have started some designs solving this particular issue, it’s a good feature to add in the future. Also I would think we would tackle the CSV animal upload before that, as I’d argue if you have 100 individuals animals to add, it’s not the right UI for that.

@Duncan Brain

Sire & Dam, and Supplier should should be linked to animals and suppliers respectively

Repro steps

  1. In create/edit animals -- Fill out Sire + Dam + Supplier

  2. It is a text field



It is a search/select field


Reconciling duplicates when we do this will be fun


@Anto Sgarlatta the reason we went for a text field was to reduce complexity since sire/dam could be animals not in the farm (related to item below, but it’s possible the user wouldn’t want to track animals not in their farm)

@Duncan Brain Just thinking we don’t want this data until we have thought though lineage and related expenses. (better to have less bad data than more data to fix in the future)


@Duncan Brain my concerns about reconciling future data specifically with regards to expenses are helped by @Loic Sans point that we should never ever try to convert these into expenses, the user may bypass our lack of linking and create the expense themselves while we develop that feature. But also abandoning/deperecating table data in the future kind of stinks. Sire and dam can be converted in the future with less issues.

@Duncan Brain

A third option to “Born here”, “Brought in” might be “Breed Lineage” or “Not on farm”

Repro steps

  1. Go to edit/create animals

  2. Add a Dam or sire from another farm to store lineage

  3. It is a text field, with a limit of 255 characters


It is linked to animals, and the animal does not have to exist on farm


No such option



@Duncan Brain

If I enter cost and supplier I expect an expense to be made.

Repro steps

  1. Go to edit/create animals

  2. Enter a supplier and cost and brought in date

  3. Go to finances


There is now an expense


No such expense


?: Actually had the same opinion.
But thought that this will be added in the future.
DB: Yes my understanding too but in the meantime should we hide it to not make bad data to reconcile in future?

@Duncan Brain Just thinking we don’t want this data until we have thought though lineage and related expenses. (better to have less bad data than more data to fix in the future

@Duncan Brain my concerns about reconciling future data specifically with regards to expenses are helped by @Loic Sans point that we should never ever try to convert these into expenses, the user may bypass our lack of linking and create the expense themselves while we develop that feature. But also abandoning/deperecating table data in the future kind of stinks. Sire and dam can be converted in the future with less issues.

@Duncan Brain

I expect profile options to be furthest top right corner

Repro steps

  1. Go to logout

  2. Click message

  3. Oops – now click profile


This might be subjective but I thought profile normally in top right corner


Feedback message is there


Let’s monitor this and see if we get the same feedback.

@Duncan Brain

A way to deselect/select all in mobile view in tasks

Repro steps

  1. Create task flow in mobile

  2. On animal inventory screen


A way to select all animals or deselect all animals


Not present

  • in regular inventory this is on action bar

  • on desktop this is in table header


Will look into this

@Duncan Brain

Accidental click outside checkbox goes to details view and loses check progress

Repro steps

  1. Go to animal inventory

  2. Start selecting several animals fast

  3. Accidentally click just outside checkbox


Checkbox clicked or nothing happens


Redirected to animal details


Screen Recording 2024-12-06 at 12.21.49 PM.mov


So frustrating when you have a large selection going. Checkbox hitbox should be much larger, and at the very least should extend to the left edge of the row


@Anto Sgarlatta a better UX patern would be a way to get in/out of selection mode. Nested clickable areas are also really bad for accessibility https://gitnation.com/contents/nested-interactive-elements-an-nightmare-in-accessibility

@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

System keyboard obscures “Set” (save) button on SexDetails popup (mobile, android)

Repro steps

  1. Add a new animal on mobile (Android device tested)

  2. Try to add the sex details

  3. Modal pops up. When clicking plus button, keyboard pops up

  4. Keyboard obscures save (“Set”). If modal is closed without hitting set, information just entered is lost


  • Either information is saved without hitting save -OR-

  • Save button is not obscured (either because no keyboard pops up or save button is placed differently)


  • Save button is hidden, and at first I thought it was a bug because each time I exited the modal my sex details were not saved (I had not seen the save button).

  • Also on Desktop there is no need to hit save






@Denis Dovganyuk

Once the user creates an animal it may be not quite clear where you will be redirected once you will click on the “Add more details to your animals” button

Repro steps

  1. Login with your account

  2. Navigate to the Animals Inventory page.

  3. Create a batch of animals

  4. Click on the “Add more details to your animals” button


Actually for me it was expected that I will be redirected to the animal detail page of the batch that I have just created.


I am redirected to the Animals inventory page.




@Joyce Sato-Reinhold I was thinking about this again when we watched Divya add new animals and the new entry popped up in the middle of the table and was therefore hard to locate.

Was navigating to the inventory a placeholder before the details view was created?

@Sayaka Ono

No reason for abandoning options for animal tasks

Repro steps

  1. Create a movement task

  2. Go to the read-only view of the task

  3. Click “Abandon”

  4. Click “Reason for abandoning” select


It would be nice if we could add expected reasons for animal tasks in the future


No options for animal tasks



@Larisse Cavalcante

Support: Display ‘file’ instead of ‘image’

Repro steps

  1. Click on the support button

  2. Upload a file


Given that the uploaded content can have various formats, the options displayed should be:
Change ‘file’
Remove ‘file’


The options displayed are:
Change ‘image’
Remove ‘image’




@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

“Mobile” view extends to 1200px for all animal inventory-related views


Mobile view has:

  • no padding

  • centered full-width elements


IMO it is not appropriate for 800px-1200px.

Repro steps

  1. View animal inventory on animal page or through tasks

  2. Size your screen at more than 1200px to view the desktop view, and then start decreasing your screen size to observe the responsive design breakpoints


  • Desktop view extends until ~600px, the normal breakpoint for our mobile views


  • Mobile view kicks in right at 1200px, and looks “off” (no padding, way too much white space, animal count badge is extremely long)



@Duncan Brain Agreed, although we have said we don't want to design for tablet a better understanding of touch elements would help as as its normally convenient to keep consistent one way or another but tablet kind of needs both (floating action button I like for touch but not desktop a long way to go for mouse)


@Joyce Sato-Reinhold I just take issue with the idea that 1024+ is still “tablet” (or should be designed for tablet); if 900-1200 or even 1024-1200 were restored to desktop it would make more sense (it’s basically the full width of my laptop).

I guess it’s not exactly standardized but this example from mui is as good as any:

breakpoints: {
values: {
mobile: 0,
tablet: 640,
laptop: 1024,
desktop: 1200,

@Duncan Brain agreed!

@Larisse Cavalcante

Support: attachment window defaults to "image files" only.

Repro steps

  1. Click the support button

  2. Click on the ‘+ Click to upload’


The window should display files of all supported formats by default.


The window displays only image files by default.




@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

I am not able to move my chinchillas, house ducks, or other companion animals to my FARMHOUSE/RESIDENCE)


(I am contesting the idea that “Residence” should not be a valid destination for animal movement)

Repro steps

  1. Use a farm with a residence-type location

  2. Create some animals with purpose “Companionship” that reside in your residence

  3. Try to move them there using the movement task


  • Residence is selectable so I can assign my animals to that location


  • I cannot select my residence, so can only indicate a location like “field” where they do not reside, or have to keep them location “unknown”

Note: this is one of the situations that could prompt what Prabjot described below when he said “cannot specify a location for a movement task” and we assumed he had no movement-compatible locations. Residence is a particularly problematic exclusion because it is an AREA LOCATION, not a point or line location like the other excluded locations (gate, water valve, sensor, boundary, etc) and there is no indication to the user why it is not appearing on the map as a selectable location.




@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

Desktop animal inventory is displeasingly proportioned

(I do not think our implementation is correct according to the original Figma. As this is the main view of our new feature, I really would like to see it correct and as attractive as possible).

Repro steps

  1. Create some animals and batches with descriptive names

  2. View your inventory at Desktop (1200px +) width


  • Names readable in their entirety, and “type, breed, and location” allocated less space

    • Since breed is an optional field, it is also very likely to be left blank; it does not need a lot of space

    • To me it looks like the Figma Design does allocate more space to name and less to the other fields


  • Names are truncated and squished next to type (a required field)

  • Optional fields breed and location (defaulting to “unknown”) fill half of inventory

  • Lots of space between location name and right-pointing caret

  • (Small issue) batch count badge padding is off; truncates on the right when name is truncated (not otherwise)




@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

Image uploader should be hidden when empty in readonly mode

(This is my fault, I forgot to implement it! )

[Duplicate now with table entry below]

Repro steps

  1. Create an animal or batch without uploading an image

  2. View that animal’s details page



  • No image section because there isn’t one and you arrive to a “readonly” view


  • “Click to upload” link that you can’t actually use until you switch to “editing…” mode




@Sayaka Ono

Animals are deselected when returning from the task creation flow

Repro steps

  1. Select animals on inventory

  2. Click “Create a task”

  3. Click “<“ to go back



The animals you selected are still selected.


The animals are deselected.




@Denis Dovganyuk

Add the possibility to filter by retired locations.


Currently when we are on the tasks page, and our farm has some retired locations the tasks that are associated with that retired location and were previously completed or abandoned, will not be displayed on the Tasks page.
So I believe if we will show those areas in the filters, with the tag( Retired) those tasks will be visible again.
Actually today while testing , Movement tasks were not displayed for some period of time, and I mentioned that in the Filters this option was also not available.
And once it was added back to filters. Those tasks became visible again.


@Sayaka Ono

Animal type and breed filters include types and breeds that don’t exist on the farm

Repro steps

  1. Open the animal’s filter

  2. Click “type” or “breed” select



Only types/breeds that exist on the farm are displayed


All default types and breeds are displayed



@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

When creating a custom task with animals, I never receive a summary view telling me which animals I have selected (unlike in a movement task).

Repro steps

  1. Create a custom task

  2. Associate animals with animal picking task view

  3. Continue



  • Receive a summary of the selected animals on the next screen, same as when I make a movement task (the summary view is above the “select moving to location” in movement task


  • No information ever provided on the final count of selected animals





@Anto Sgarlatta

Validation message in sex detail input is unclear

Repro steps

  1. Initiate flow to create an animal

  2. Keep count field set to 1

  3. Open input to specify sex detail and specify a number higher than 1



The message should clearly explain that the count needs to be updated, or probably just update it automatically? The only reason count is a separate field is because sex detail is optional, but if the user fills out the sex detail we could easily infer the count and it seems unnecessary to make them update both fields


The sex detail input shows validation error “You cannot have more than 1 animal”




@Anto Sgarlatta

If two animals have the same identifier but different tag color there’s no way to distinguish them in the inventory

Repro steps

  1. Create two animals with the same tag number but different tag color, and no name

  2. Go to the inventory


Animals should be displayed with both the tag number + the tag color in order to tell them apart


Only tag number is displayed




@Anto Sgarlatta

[Pre-existing] When abandoning a task, the “Did you enjoy this task?” field shows up and is mandatory

Repro steps

  1. Create any task

  2. Click on it

  3. Click “Abandon”


If I’m abandoning the task wouldn’t that mean I didn’t complete it? I’d expect the “rating” field not to show up


“Did you enjoy this task?” field shows up and is mandatory


@Larisse Cavalcante

Multiple selection for "Uses" is not specified.

Repro steps

  1. Click the ‘add animals’ button

  2. Input basic info and proceed to the details page

  3. Click ‘general details of the batch’


The "Uses" field could specify: Select one or more.


The field only displays: Select.


PS. Same for ‘purpose of the movement’





Repro steps






@Divya Chayanam

CTAs are pushed to a corner vs being prominent

The ‘+’ for adding animals, edit and delete actionable on animal details page could be more prominent



@Divya Chayanam

Location of animal in editing mode should also be editable

While editing animal details, either we make animal location editable or don’t show it at all


@Divya Chayanam

Redundant step of selecting animals if a task was started from a selection of animals




[Jira links]


Known Issues

  • Sorting by Breed:

    • Sorting functionality may not work correctly when attempting to sort animals by breed.

  • UI small bugs

    • When the total number of animals on the farm is very large, the count may overlap the borders of its display box.


Session Details

Synchronous or asynchronous?




Where to test?

https://beta.litefarm.org/ Beta

Bug Reports








Also seen by








Also seen by

E.g.: @Anto Sgarlatta

E.g.: The SSO button is not clickable


Repro steps

  1. Access LiteFarm logged out

  2. Click on the Google SSO button


Should navigate to the Google page to choose an account


Nothing happens



E.g.: No

E.g.: High

E.g.: Yes

E.g. @Joyce Sato-Reinhold

@Denis Dovganyuk

Users are currently able to create a duplicate of an already existing LiteFarm animal type or breed.

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/

  2. Login to your personal account

  3. Navigate to the Animals inventory page.

  4. Click on the “+” icon

  5. Click “Add animals” button

  6. In the field “ Animal type” start typing an already existing LiteFarm animal type ( In my case “Cattle”)

  7. Click on create “Cattle” button

  8. Complete the flow.



It was expected that on step 7 once the user will try to create an already existing animal type the validation error will be displayed.


The duplicated animal type is created.









@Denis Dovganyuk

Case-Insensitive Validation for Animal Types or Breeds

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/

  2. Login to your personal account

  3. Navigate to the Animals inventory page.

  4. Click on the “+” icon

  5. Click “Add animals” button

  6. Create a new animal type ( In my case : Dog )

  7. Complete the flow.

  8. Repeat the animal creation but this type create the new animal type ( In my case : dog )

  9. Complete the flow.


The system should treat animal type and breed names as case-insensitive. Attempts to create duplicates, regardless of capitalization, should trigger a validation error.


The system does not perform a case-insensitive check when creating a new animal type or breed. As a result, users can create duplicates with differing capitalization (e.g., "Chicken" and "chicken").








@Denis Dovganyuk

Missing Validation Message for Duplicate Animal Types or Breeds.

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/

  2. Login to your personal account

  3. Navigate to the Animals inventory page.

  4. Click on the “+” icon

  5. Click “Add animals” button

  6. Try to create an already existing custom animal type( in my case “ Dog “ )

  7. Complete the flow


The system should validate animal type or breed entries in real-time during the creation process. If a duplicate is detected, a clear and informative validation message should be displayed immediately (e.g., “This animal type or breed already exists on your farm.”).


When a user attempts to create an animal type or breed that already exists, no validation message is displayed during the creation process. Instead, the user encounters a generic error message, “Failed to create Animal or Batches,” only at the final screen.








@Denis Dovganyuk

Cost of Animal Displays Incorrectly for Very Small Decimal Values (e.g., 0.00000001)

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/

  2. Login to your personal account

  3. Navigate to the Animals inventory page.

  4. Click on any animal that you have already created( if you don’t have any than create a new )

  5. Click on the “3 dots “ button

  6. Click on “Edit Basic info” button

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “ Brought in ” radio button

  8. Fill the Value of the field “Price” as “0.00000001”

  9. Click on the “Save” button



The cost should be displayed accurately, maintaining precision up to the required decimal places (e.g., 0.00000001). The system should handle small values gracefully without formatting issues or errors. @Denis Dovganyuk does it make sense to allow less than 0.01?


When the user enters a very small decimal value (e.g., 0.00000001), the displayed cost is incorrect it actually shows “1e-8”









@Denis Dovganyuk

Checkbox for 'Create Individual Animal Profiles' Becomes Active When Clicking Outside Its Area

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/

  2. Login to your personal account

  3. Navigate to the Animals inventory page.

  4. Click on the “+” button > Add animals

  5. Click outstide the checkbox “Create individual animal profiles”




The checkbox should only become active or inactive when the user directly clicks on the checkbox itself, not when clicking outside its designated area.


Clicking anywhere outside the checkbox area (e.g., adjacent whitespace or nearby text) incorrectly activates or deactivates the 'Create Individual Animal Profiles' checkbox









@Denis Dovganyuk

“Save” Button Remains Active Without Any Changes in Edit Animal Flow

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/

  2. Login to your personal account

  3. Navigate to the Animals inventory page.

  4. Click on the Animal that you have created earlier.

  5. Click on the “3dots” button > Edit Basic info



The "Save" button should be disabled until a change is made to the animal details.


The "Save" button is active even without making any changes.
Actually recently in other screens we started changing this behavior.
For example My Info or Farm Settings flows.






@Denis Dovganyuk

Dam and Sire Information Lost When Toggling Between “Brought In” and “Born at the Farm” in Edit Animal Flow

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the website: https://beta.litefarm.org/.

  2. Log in to your personal account.

  3. Navigate to the Animals Inventory page.

  4. Create a new animal, ensuring that during creation:

    • Select “Batch Origin”.

    • Specify values for “Dam” and “Sire”.

  5. After the animal is created, open the detailed page for the animal.

  6. Click the “3 dots” button.

  7. Select “Edit Animal Info”.

  8. Scroll down the page and change the field “Born at the Farm” to “Brought In”.

  9. Change it back to “Born at the Farm”.


The fields “Dam” and “Sire” should retain the information entered during the animal creation process, regardless of toggling between “Born at the Farm” and “Brought In


The information in the fields “Dam” and “Sire” is cleared and no longer available after toggling between these options.






@Denis Dovganyuk

Task creation date mismatch between creation and listing page.

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/ .

  2. Login with your personal account

  3. Navigate to the “Tasks” page

  4. Click on the “+” button

  5. Create any type of the task ( pay attention on the Date that you selected during the creation )



The date on the task listing page will be exactly the same as it was during the creation.


During the creation of the task I entered Date as ( 12/18/2024)
On the Task listing page the Date is shown as ( 12/17/2024)






@Denis Dovganyuk

Finance transactions date mismatch between creation and listing page

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/ .

  2. Login with your personal account

  3. Navigate to the “Finance” page

  4. Click on the “+Add a transaction” button > Add expense or Revenue

  5. Fill all the required information( Date should be not today date , for example 11/04/2024)

  6. Click on the “Save” button



The date on the finance transaction list page will be exactly the same as it was during the creation.


During the creation of the task I entered Date as ( 11/04/2024)
On the Task listing page the Date is shown as ( 11/03/2024)

On the downloaded report the Dates will be also one day off.
This is a localization issue.






@Denis Dovganyuk

Preview Image Broken When Non-Image Files (e.g., .xls, .mp4) Are Uploaded

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/ .

  2. Login with your personal account

  3. Click on the “Send” button on the top right corner of the APP.

  4. Try to upload the file that is not an image


Expected Results:

No broken or placeholder preview should appear. This may mislead the user, he may think that the file is not uploaded.

Actual Results:

When a non-image file (e.g., .xls or .mp4) is uploaded, the preview section attempts to render the file, resulting in a broken or blank preview.







@Larisse Cavalcante

@Denis Dovganyuk

Animal Movement Purpose Not Retained When Task is Modified and Navigated Back

Repro steps

  1. Open the website https://beta.litefarm.org/ .

  2. Login with your personal account

  3. Navigate to the tasks page.

  4. Create an animal movement task

  5. Start the completion flow of the animal movement task

  6. Select “Yes” under the question Did you have to made any changes to this task?

  7. Modify the number of the animals , and the purpose of movement.

  8. Click on the “ Continue “ button

  9. Click on the “Back” button



When a user sets the purpose of movement for an animal and navigates back and forth in the task, the purpose of movement should remain saved and display correctly.



The purpose of movement for the animal is lost or reset when the user modifies the task and navigates back to it.

Number of animals is updated correctly








@Denis Dovganyuk

Unable to Filter Animals by Gender

Repro steps

  1. Open the website: https://beta.litefarm.org/.

  2. Log in with your personal account.

  3. Navigate to the "Animals" page.

  4. Create several batches of animals, ensuring you select the gender of the animals during creation (e.g., Male and Female).

  5. Use the filter options to filter the animals by gender, specifically selecting "Male."

  6. Click the "Apply" button.



Users should be able to filter animals by their gender using the filter options, and the results should display animals matching the selected gender criteria.


All animals are shown. No changes applied.








@Duncan Brain

Animals and batches do not line up well in inventory table.

Repro steps

  1. Have both animals and batches in your inventory

  2. Data does not line up nicely because icons are different shapes


Lines up


Does not line up. If you align text, icons do not align and vice versa.







@Duncan Brain

Animal Icon does not appear in main inventory table

Repro steps

  1. Add an image to an animal

  2. See image is present in detail view

  3. Navigate to inventory



Image is seen in main inventory


It is not





@Joyce Sato-Reinhold This has bothered me for literally months

@Denis Dovganyuk

It is not possible to complete any kind of task if you choose that you have done some changes to the task.


Repro steps

  1. Navigate to the tasks page.

  2. Create any kind of a task ( IF you have already please skip this step)

  3. Click on the “Task” that you have created

  4. Click on the “ Mark Complete” button

  5. “ Did you have to make any changes? “ YES ( That is important )

  6. During the completion you may do any changes or don’t that doesn’t matter.

  7. Click on the “Save” button



Users should be able to mark tasks as completed, even if the completion date is set to a past date, as long as all other criteria for task completion are met.


Tasks cannot be marked as completed if the completion date is set to a past date. An error or restriction prevents the user from completing the task.




@Denis Dovganyuk can you show content of error response from API please (screenshot or paste into description)




No, checked on the APP and this is not reproducible there.
Was doing further testing and it happens only when the user Did some changes to the task. If you will not choose that option than the task is completed.


(@Joyce Sato-Reinhold it can’t be pre-existing; the crash is caused by the animal properties)



@Joyce Sato-Reinhold I see this on every task (custom or default) that does NOT include animals. Bit surprised that it would have been working this morning I think I even noticed yesterday that the related animal ids properties were included in tasks even when empty… but kind of ignored… anyway they are passed on and crash!

@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

Farm image preview is broken on beta

(I believe an introduced bug; I don’t see it on prod at the moment)

Repro steps

  1. Add an image to your farm via the farm settings view

  2. Save and navigate away

  3. Return to the farm settings view



Thumbnail of your chosen image is shown


Broken preview








@Duncan Brain

local (not beta) console error on animalInventory

Repro steps

  1. Navigate to animal inventory

  2. view console



@Duncan Brain it’s the nesting of sectionHeader under Typography component from mui which is by default <p>. You can solve it by making Typography div:

<Typography component="div" sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }} className={styles.sectionHeader}> {!isMobile && sectionHeader}

(I think section header moved from text to block level in this PR: https://github.com/LiteFarmOrg/LiteFarm/pull/3544/ – and sorry I totally I did not write it there although that’s when I noticed). Also never checked if changing Typography to div had any effect on styling.






@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

Weird, I thought I mentioned this in PR review or maybe I forgot.

(Will add solution to description)

@Sayaka Ono

The message “These animals will be archived and accessible for future reference” is displayed when removing animals

Repro steps

  1. Select an animal in /animals/inventory

  2. Click “Remove Animals”

  3. Select any option except “Created in error”





The message “These animals will be archived and accessible for future reference” is displayed even though the archived animals section hasn’t been implemented yet.







@Joyce Sato-Reinhold The removed animals are even removed from a task that has been completed in the past, prior to their removal date (will make ticket below as it is related). There is nowhere in app where indication of these animals remain

@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

(Related to above)

Animals removed from my farm are retroactively removed from completed movement tasks

Repro steps

  1. Create a movement task with one animal

  2. Complete it at some point in the past – but not more than a month past because that will trigger an error (e.g. yesterday or last week)

  3. Remove that animal from your farm using the removal flow, and indicate today as the date of removal



  • Completed movement task shows the animal, ideally with some indication that the animal is now archived or no longer on farm


  • Movement task shows no animals

  • (Bonus issue) in a true case of no associated animals there should not be a section here








@Duncan Brain

Animal count should truncate at some pre-decided value

Repro steps

  1. Create an Bees animal batch of 1,000,000

  2. View in inventory


“>54321” is show


Cut off screen (good to make the number component predictable max width for all components with nested animal count)






@Sayaka Ono

Animal batch count should truncate at some pre-decided value

Repro steps

  1. Create an Bees animal batch of 1,000,000

  2. Select the batch in the inventory table

  3. View the header in the detail page


“>54321” is show ?


The number is cut off








@Sayaka Ono

The shadow on the confirm button in remove animals modal is cut off

Repro steps

  1. Select an animal in /animals/inventory

  2. Click “Remove Animals”

  3. Select any option



The shadow on the confirm button is visible


The shadow on the confirm button is cut off







@Denis Dovganyuk

Created Custom Task Not Displayed in Crop Plan Task List

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the website: https://beta.litefarm.org/.

  2. Log in with your personal account.

  3. Navigate to the Crop Plan section.

  4. Create a Custom Task associated with the crop plan.

  5. Ensure the task is not linked to any animals during creation.

  6. Check the list of tasks in the crop plan.


After creating a custom task, that is associated with the crop plan and which doesn’t have any animals in it should appear under the list of tasks in the crop plan, allowing users to view and manage it alongside other tasks.


The custom task, despite being successfully created, does not appear in the crop plan task list, making it inaccessible for users.




No, checked on the APP, and there it works as expected.




@Duncan Brain

Checking “Complete this task now” on custom task results in type error

Repro steps

  1. Make a custom task with animals

  2. Check this task is complete to go to the complete flow

  3. Click next



Go to completion flow


Type error





@Denis Dovganyuk Also see this, doesn’t depend on the fact if custom task includes Animals or not.


@Joyce Sato-Reinhold as Denis said, doesn’t require animals & pre-existing (already on app).



@Sayaka Ono

Switching the “Did you have to make any changes to this task?” option from “Yes” to “No” keeps the edited purpose inputs instead of reverting to the original purpose data in the movement task completion flow

Repro steps

  1. Create a movement task

  2. Navigate to the read-only view of the task

  3. Click “Mark Complete”

  4. Select “Yes” for "Did you have to make any changes to this task?"

  5. Edit the purpose

  6. Select “No” for "Did you have to make any changes to this task?"



The inputs are reverted to the original data


The edited purpose inputs are retained







@Denis Dovganyuk

No results are displayed, because previously filters were automatically applied.

To reproduce this issue you should have at least several created in your farm, and they should have some different data. For example different breed.

Repro steps

  1. Open the website

  2. Login with your account

  3. Navigate to the Animals page.( In my case you may see that I have 3 Batches of Cattles, and 1 Batch is located on “Farm Worker” area.)

  4. Click on the filters > Choose cattle as an animal type ( 3 results are displayed - correct )

  5. Click on the filters once again and add a breed ( In my case Angus )
    2 results are displayed, and that is correct.

  6. Click on the Filters again and add a Location( In my case Farm worker )
    No results is displayed - that is also correct no results matches the filters

  7. Click on the “Clear all filters” button
    All animals are displayed again.

  8. Click on the “Filters” again > And choose a location again

  9. Click on the “Apply” button



1 Batch of animals(ID 1) should be displayed.


0 results are shown








@Denis Dovganyuk

It is not possible to complete the movement task if you choose that you have done some changes to that task and also you choose a date in the past.

Repro steps

  1. Open the website

  2. Login with your account

  3. Navigate to the tasks page.

  4. Create a movement task

  5. Open the task that you have just created.

  6. Click on the “Mark Complete” button

  7. Go through the completion flow. ( you may make some changes or no it doesn’t matter)

  8. On the last screen before clicking “Save” button, you will need to change the date into some date in the past.( in my case previous month)

  9. Click on the “Save” button



The task should be completed


The task is not completed an error is displayed.



Additional information:
All my animals hasn’t got both Date of birth or Date brought in specified.
This values are empty.




@Joyce Sato-Reinhold I see this too moving animals that have NO birth or brought in date set on them. I only see it when the time is fairly far back. I wonder if the record created date is coming into play? Or oddly maybe… changing the month? So Dec is okay but Nov errors?

@Sayaka Ono This happens to custom tasks without animals. What did I do wrong?

@Sayaka Ono

(Related to the one above)

  • It is not possible to create movement tasks with a due date before 2024-11-06

  • It is not possible to update the due date of movement tasks to a date before 2024-11-06

Repro steps

  1. Start the movement task creation flow

  2. Select a date before 2024-11-06 for its due date

  3. Proceed to the last step and click “Save”



A task should be created.


Task creation fails.





@Joyce Sato-Reinhold What a specific bug And yes past dates are fine but not more than a month past!

@Joyce Sato-Reinhold

Un-entered breed is shown as “null” on ‘mobile’ view on all languages

Repro steps

  1. Create a new animal

  2. Have your screen at less than 1200px

  3. View animal inventory



  • Un-entered breed is indicated in language-appropriate and less technical way than “null” (e.g. “No breed” or “None”) -OR-

  • Breed is not shown at all (<-- personal preference and consistent with Desktop view)


  • Breed is “null” even with my account set to Punjabi







@Sayaka Ono

Recording a movement task in the past messes up animals' location

Repro steps

  1. Create and complete a movement task with location A for today.

  2. Create and complete a movement task with location B for yesterday, for the same animals. (record the movement that happened yesterday)

  3. Check the animals' location for the task.



The animals are in location A.


The animals are in location B.





@Duncan Brain - makes sense tho

@Sayaka Ono

Task date filter doesn’t work as expected


Repro steps

  1. Go to /tasks

  2. Open the task filter

  3. Select a type

  4. Set “Filter by date range” to “Yes”

  5. Click “Apply”


The date filter is applied


The date filter is not applied


Bug 2:

Repro steps

  1. Go to /tasks

  2. Open the task filter

  3. Set “Filter by date range” to “Yes” and edit the dates (“Apply” button should be enabled without editing the dates - pre-existing bug)

  4. Click “Apply”

  5. Open the task filter again

  6. Select a type

  7. Set “Filter by date range” to “No”

  8. Click “Apply”


The date filter is removed


The date filter is still applied





There may be a bug ticket for the date filter




@Sayaka Ono

The app crashes when trying to access deleted animal’s details page

Repro steps

  1. Create an animal

  2. Delete the animal

  3. Click the browser’s “→” button to go forward



The “unknown record” screen is displayed.


The app crashes. (Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id'))







@Denis Dovganyuk Also saw that issue.

@Larisse Cavalcante

Number of animals in a batch displays as ‘infinite’; failed to create the batch.


Repro steps

  1. Click the ‘Add animals’ button

  2. Input a very high number

  3. Click the ‘Next button’

  4. Click 'Batch details'

  5. Click save


Not sure, maybe: ‘number shouldn’t be higher than xxx' before allowing to advance to the next page?


Number of animals in a batch displays as ‘infinite' → ‘Failed to create batches’.






@Denis Dovganyuk

Farm worker is able to create an Animal Movement task is it allowed?

Pre execute

The farm should have animals created, Farm Worker is not allowed to add animals to the farm

Repro steps

  1. Login to LiteFarm as a Farm worker

  2. Navigate to the tasks page.

  3. Create a Movement task



It was expected that I won’t be able to create a Movement task as a FarmWorker.
Because I can’t even add animals.


The task is created.





Hmm, I’m not sure if that’s wrong but there is an inconsistency because Farm Workers do not have the ability to add Movement task by Action Bar > Create Task. If one flow is available to them probably both should be. @Joyce Sato-Reinhold

@Denis Dovganyuk

Animals Are Not Added to Custom Tasks Created by Farm Worker Accounts

Pre execute

The farm should have animals created, Farm Worker is not allowed to add animals to the farm

Repro steps

  1. Login to LiteFarm as a Farm worker

  2. Navigate to the tasks page.

  3. Create a Custom task which is associated with some animals

  4. Open the task that you have created.


When a custom task is created using a Farm Worker account, the selected animals should be automatically associated with the task.
Farm worker should not be able to create a custom task.


When a custom task is created using a Farm Worker account, no animals are associated with the task, even if they were selected during task creation.



@Joyce Sato-Reinhold Wait there is a lot going wrong here!

  1. There is lack of highlight as recorded below so you can’t tell what is selected

  2. There is no summary view on the custom task creation flow (is that right @Duncan Brain?@Joyce Sato-Reinhold - correct) That may be worthwhile to add regardless, or it might only be an issue when the highlight is broken like here. I’ll add to the UX table.

  3. In this particular video I think that resulted in all the animals that were selected got deselected but kind of just by chance.

  4. @Joyce Sato-Reinhold You are right . I just tried to do the same without clicking so hardly and yes the animals are added. But you don’t have that view that shows that animals were added.
    As I mentioned this is not highlited, and there is no modal that tells us how many animals have you added.





@Joyce Sato-Reinhold I think they are added but were deselected in the video there. The lack of highlight and lack of summary component on Custom Tasks is confusing the situation

@Denis Dovganyuk

The selected animals are not highlighted during the completion of a Movement task. (Farm Worker account)

Repro steps

  1. Create a movement task with a Farm worker account

  2. Open the task that you have just created.

  3. Click on the “Mark Complete “ button

  4. Select that you did some changes to the task

  5. Try to change animals that are associated with the task.


The selected animals are highlited.


Actual Result:

Animals are not highlited



Here how it should be:




@Joyce Sato-Reinhold This is true for movement task creation as well. Animals can be selected and associated with the task, only the highlight is missing. Very interesting.

@Duncan Brain haha good find - we gotta remember to use Farm Worker more. I think isAdmin hides the checkbox and the onRowClick allows the whole row to be a select for this view.

@Sayaka Ono

After submitting the feedback form, the user is redirected to the home page

Repro steps

  1. Submit the feedback form on inventory page



The user stays at the inventory page


The user is redirected to the home page





@Joyce Sato-Reinhold this is because the pop-up submission modal is defined on the home screen unfortunately

@Denis Dovganyuk

The information is not updated properly for the farm worker.

Pre - execute:

To reproduce this issue you will need to have Farm Worker account and a Farm Owner account associated with the same farm.
Your farm should have some animals.

Repro steps

  1. Open the Animals inventory page ( On a Farm Worker account and on the Farm owner account)

  2. With a Farm owner account “ Delete” some animals on your account.
    This may be newly created animals or those that has already completed tasks.

  3. Navigate to the Farm Worker account.

  4. Open the “Animals page”

  5. Observe that all animals are still visible on your farm.

  6. Navigate to the tasks page

  7. Create a movement task or custom task that is associated with those deleted animals.



The information is updated.
So the user won’t be able to complete or create new task associated with those animals.


The misleading information is shown for a Farm Worker account




@Denis Dovganyuk could you specify that “Navigate to the Farm Worker account” means you have to have both open concurrently (i.e. this is a concurrency bug)? I thought you meant navigate through logout and logging back in, which will not display this behaviour (I saw in the video you had two browsers though)





@Sayaka Ono

Title is missing in the animal details view header

Repro steps

  1. Go to the animal details view of any animal






The title is missing






@Sayaka Ono

Removed animals are not displayed in a completed/abandoned task, even though they were included in the task

Repro steps

  1. Create an animal

  2. Create and complete a movement task for the animal

  3. Remove the animal

  4. Go to the read-only view of the completed task



The removed animal is displayed in the task as a record.


The removed animal is not displayed in the task. (Another question, should we null the location of animals when they are removed? The summary table shows animals' current location…)







@Duncan Brain

Table header needs to be lowered or KPI higher n z-index.

Repro steps

  1. Have lots of animal type

  2. Click on the overflow box


KPI higher than table header


KPI lower than table header






@Duncan Brain

Top menu right side may need a hamburger menu at some point

Repro steps

  1. Resize your screen to 275-300px


Menu does not underlap logo









@Sayaka Ono

The app crashes when attempting to delete animals that have already been deleted (caused by concurrency behaviour, but the issue is that errors are not properly handled)

Repro steps

  1. In one browser, create an animal.

  2. Log in using another browser and delete the animal.

  3. Return to the first browser and attempt to delete the animal.



The error snackbar is displayed.


The app crashes.
(After the API returns an error, the GET animals API is called, which causes the crash. This GET API call should not occur.)






@David Trapp (Unlicensed)

Personalized image should be used for batch/individual identification in inventory [Duplicate]

Assuming this is a usability suggestion and not an error.

Repro steps

  1. Add a custom image to the batch or individual



After I’ve added a custom image to the animal or batch of animals, I should see that custom image for the animal/batch, instead of the default graphic.


default graphic still displays.






@David Trapp (Unlicensed)

Clicking cancel doesn’t do anything

Repro steps

  1. Start the “Add animal flow”

  2. Select a type and breed

  3. Click “Cancel”



I should get the standard cancel prompt


nothing happens, but the url changes. Eventually the native cancel appears








@Anto Sgarlatta

Multiselect input pills clear button styling offset

Repro steps

  1. Use any multiselect input (e.g. animal purpose)


Remove icon in pills should be vertically centered

The pills also look different from the designs so if we fix them we could possibly update the whole styling?


Remove icon in pills is offset






@Anto Sgarlatta

There’s no “I don’t know” option when editing sex detail

Repro steps

  1. Create an animal and specify the sex

  2. Open animal detail view


In the general details tab, there should be a way to “remove” the sex by choosing “I don’t know”. Link to design


There’s no “I don’t know” option so there’s no way to clear the sex







@Anto Sgarlatta

Misleading copy in removal modal? [Duplicate]

Repro steps

  1. Select an animal on the inventory

  2. Click “Remove”

  3. Choose any option other than Created in error


Not sure


There’s a message saying “These animals will be archived and accessible for future reference”, but there’s no way for users to view them right now








@Anto Sgarlatta

Unhandled error when editing animal birth date

Repro steps

  1. Create an animal without a birth date

  2. Create a task linked to that animal

  3. Click on animal

  4. Attempt to edit birth date to a date after the task date


Validation message should be shown before saving or input should disable unallowed dates


UI doesn’t handle the error properly, generic error toast is shown and error shows up in console






@Anto Sgarlatta

“Click to upload link” should not display or should “look” disabled if not in editing mode [Duplicate - See Usablity section]

Repro steps

  1. Create an animal without an image

  2. Click on animal


When not in edit mode, there should be no “Click to upload” link on the image field, or it should look disabled


Click to upload link looks clickable







@David Trapp (Unlicensed)

o instead of null value for animal sex

Repro steps

  1. Create a batch of animals

  2. For the sex of the animal, indicate the sex for some but not all (for example, I indicated there were 5 animals in total, but said there were only 2 males)

  3. Save

  4. Move to the details page for the batch


The value indicated for the sex of the animals should reflect the most accurate representation


The value shown implies that there are 0 females, when that is not accurate.








@Denis Dovganyuk

Clicking on the “Save” button does nothing.

Repro steps

  1. Open the website

  2. Navigate to the tasks page

  3. Create a Movement task

  4. Navigate on the Tasks detailed page that you have just created.

  5. Click on the “Mark Complete” button

  6. During completion change the “Completion Date”.( In m case 20.11.2024)

  7. Click on the “Save” button

  8. Open the dev tool >Change the resolution of the “LiteFarm” to 550px to 790px.

  9. Click on the “Save” button again.





It was expected that clicking on the “Save” button will cause an error that I have just saw.


When you click on the”Save” button nothing happens.








@Denis Dovganyuk

Default Highlighted Animal/Breed Type Remains Highlighted When Attempting to Select Another Option in Dropdown Menu on mobile phone

Steps to reproduce :

  1. Open the website using your mobile phone

  2. Login with your personal account.

  3. Navigate to the “Animals” page

  4. Click on the “+” button and start the creation process.

  5. Click on the “Type” of an Animal.

  6. Observe that “Cattle” is highlited by default

  7. Start hovering over another category.


Actual Result:
When the user attempts to select a different animal or breed type from the dropdown menu, the default highlighted option (e.g., "Pigs") remains highlighted, making it unclear whether the selection has been updated or not.

Expected Result:
When the user selects a different animal or breed type, the new selection should become highlighted and visibly reflect the updated choice, ensuring clarity for the user.








@Denis Dovganyuk

Informative Pop-Up Message Does Not Close on Mobile When User Clicks on "Type Animal" or "Breed" Dropdowns

Steps to reproduce :

  1. Open the website using your mobile phone

  2. Login with your personal account.

  3. Navigate to the “Animals” page

  4. Tap on the “+” button and start the creation process.

  5. Tap on the info button near the “Create Individual animal profiles”

  6. Tap on the “Type” field

  7. Click on the “<“ button on your Keyboard.


Actual Result:
The informative pop-up message remains visible on the screen when the user interacts with the "Type Animal" or "Breed" dropdown menus on a mobile device, obstructing the view and interfering with the user experience.

Expected Result:
The informative pop-up message should automatically close when the user clicks on the "Type Animal" or "Breed" dropdowns, allowing the user to interact with the dropdown menu without any obstruction.







@Riddhi Battu

Creating a new category - it is case sensitive. “Type” and “Breed”

Repro steps:

  1. Sign into Litefarm using my google account

  2. Go to animal tab and create new animal

  3. When selecting “Type” or “Breed” if its not the exact string it created a new category


Identification of category regardless of case difference or special characters, 


Case Sensitivity:

"Dog" vs. "dog"

"Lab" vs. "lab"

Special Characters:

"snake," vs. "Snake"

"python" vs. "python."





@Divya Chayanam

“This task has already been completed flow” is broken for custom tasks

Steps to reproduce: Select animals > create task > custom task > fill details > select check box “task already completed


Expected: Prompt to complete task


Actual: Error screen





@Divya Chayanam

Icon against pigs is of cattle

Create animal





Prabhjot Singh

How do you define the location?

When creating a batch of animals, how does the user define the location of the batch?





Prabhjot Singh

Adding a task for a batch of animals (chicken)

Trying to add a task “Movement” for a batch of chickens but can’t select anything on the Map





Prabhjot Singh

Adding sex details of a batch of animals

When Creating a batch of animals and specifying their sex details, it allows us to specify for less than the total. Do we allow that?
If yes, should we maybe add a third “unspecified” section?





@Riddhi Battu

Have to always press enter to ensure the value is stored instead of just clicking out of it when typing in animal type and breed.

Repro steps

  1. Log into account using google

  2. Go to create animal

  3. Fill in Type and Breed 


If I type in an animal type and move to fill out another field without pressing "Enter" on keyboard or selecting the category, the input does not register or save.




Unable to insert video













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