Sprint 76 Technical document (New app navigation)
Sprint 76 Technical document (New app navigation)
New App navigation
Quick note on Dec 13, 2023 finalized list of menu and sub-menu items can be found on Navigation 2.0. Several of the below images are now out of date. - Kevin
| Context | Task | Notes | Blocks |
1 | make the side menu responsive
| Fix side menu on the left for desktop and tablet views (415px-). | No need to make any visual changes to the menu or the nav bar. | 2, 4 |
2 | side menu (desktop) (mobile) | Create side menu for desktop view and mobile view | Ideally one component is used for the both views.
| 3 |
3 | side menu (tablet) | Create side menu for tablet view (415 - 1024px) |
4 | dropdown (desktop) (mobile) | Update navigation bar and dropdown menu (drawer for the mobile view) |