Conversation with HOLOS development team
Meeting with HOLOS team (2pm PST)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada : Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Roland Kroebel – Researcher, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Sarah Pogue - Holos Model Developer, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Aaron McPherson – Software Developer, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Documents from HOLOS available for review:
Source code: GitHub - holos-aafc/Holos: Open source version of the core algorithms used by the Holos model
Documentation: Methodology & algorithms for version 1.1.x
We have estimated, actual harvest, yield data: need C and N content for these.
Fertilizer-product information from soil amendments and other land related tasks.
Open source:
In their new algorithms documentation: requires in-depth review
Will have the underlying ghg standards and models being used
Documentation will link to supplementary tables with additional variables used/required
These tables can be downloaded and changed too.
They will have a suggestion section where user can suggest their variable values, these will be validated by the research team to see if they apply to Canada.
.NET C#:
code that has one to one mapping to formulas being used. Can be integrated directly into our proof of concept; may have to translate to python
tests all components in HOLOS.
run on IDE, to see flow on inputs into formulas and trace back
Cross platform: timeline: no to little migration from .NET
Most of the code from version 4 will directly move to version 5, UI will look different
Progress on version 5 in a year or more time, requires an internal approval process.
Integration with other organizations and/or universities:
Irish prototype, pretty busy: want to come out with a prototype in the coming year
Universities: help do the measurements required for the model to be based on. Usually collaborate with CS departments
At the moment, HOLOS does not keep user data: is a desktop application.
Difficult to get government approval to have web applications and distinguish data throughout different departments of govt.
Uses NASA Power API to get location-based information, that is the only type of data that is being forwarded from the HOLOS.
Holos input parameter requirements can be found under the link above:
Holos/H.Content/Documentation at main · holos-aafc/Holos
Link to source file of integration test:
Please utilize the GitHub discussion board too, we are trying to bootstrap a Holos community here 🙂 holos-aafc Holos · Discussions
@Sarah will send the algorithms documentation for version 4 in the coming two weeks: reach out via email
@Aaron is working on getting the github version upto speed with the the documentation: reach out on discord or github forum
No official log, look at the commit history to H.CORE to see changes to calculations being made.
Version 5 will be published after looking at quality control, experts on board