Hestia.earth (built at University of Oxford)
Hestia - Harmonized environmental storage and tracking of the impacts of agriculture - is an open-access platform that allows researchers and producers across the agri-food supply-chain to store data on the productivity and sustainability of agricultural products and production practices.
Email: community@hestia.earth
LinkedIn: link
Python Package: hestia-earth-models 0.49.0 , Released: August 14, 2023: Client Challenge
Hestia's set of modules for filling gaps in the activity data using external datasets (e.g. populating soil properties with a geospatial dataset using provided coordinates) and internal lookups (e.g. populating machinery use from fuel use). Includes rules for when gaps should be filled versus not (e.g. never gap fill yield, gap fill crop residue if yield provided etc.).
Please contact us at community@hestia.earth for instructions to download the required file to run the model
Documentation: for every model can be found in the Hestia API Documentation.
Has multiple Calculation Models that it has implemented: https://www.hestia.earth/docs/#hestia-calculation-models
one of the being IPCC (2006)
Above ground crop residue, removed
Below ground crop residue
CO2, to air, organic soil cultivation
N2O, to air, crop residue decomposition, indirect
N2O, to air, excreta, indirect
N2O, to air, inorganic fertiliser, direct
N2O, to air, inorganic fertiliser, indirect
N2O, to air, organic fertiliser, direct
Has well defined Modelling Approaches: https://www.hestia.earth/calculation/orchestrator