S63 Retrospective

S63 Retrospective



Jun 21, 2023

In sprint

@David Trapp @Mwayanjana Bolokonya (Unlicensed) @Javier Antonio Hernandez De Paz @Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed) @Duncan Brain @Sayaka Ono @Joyce Sato-Reinhold @Denis Dovganyuk @jeremy.bennett8 (Unlicensed) @Cedric Levasseur-Laberge (Unlicensed) @Gursimran Singh @Iván Perdomo @Lite Farm @Shang Heng Mak

At retro

@Iván Perdomo @Mwayanjana Bolokonya (Unlicensed) @Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed) @Duncan Brain @David Trapp @Joyce Sato-Reinhold @Denis Dovganyuk


Posted in Slack


This retro is for the S63, roughly: Thursday, June 8th - Wednesday, June 21st

Please add comments before the meeting! We’ll take a few minutes to add additional comments and discuss, then put together action items to operationalize suggestions.

Last sprints (S62) retro is here: S62 Retrospective


Discussion topics:

  • Your topics here…

    • Open invitation: Design planning

      • Extending the invitation for the design sessions to the development team. @Iván Perdomo, being the small team that we are, we can consider ourselves as a “Product Team”, allowing us to wear multiple hats throughout the same day. Recommends development team to, when able, be more involved in the design process, and vice versa.

      • @Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed), having “Design Sprints”

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Shout outs

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Shout outs

  • Full ownership of the ticket until the end (beta deployment)

  • Feeling comfortable leaving a meeting (with a message)

  • Once you’ve done your review, hit the “Request review”

  • Too much Work in Progress (WIP)

  • @Iván Perdomo should plan less tickets per sprint

  • Tech daily → standup without a break

  • Open to the community and try to help them as much as possible

  • Fun community poll this Sprint -- I think people like talking about their technology preferences :)

  • The entire team for being able to continue running smoothly while Kevin is on paternity leave.

  • Big thanks to all the members of the team , for their huge daily work and for the fact that LiteFarm team is something that you miss on the weekends.

  • @Denis Dovganyuk continuing to catch bugs

  • @Iván Perdomo being a wealth of knowledge

Action items:

When design team has something to show, will replace the tech daily session with a design session to demo what the design team has been working on and provide additional input. @Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed)
At the start of Tech daily, review current tickets in PR @Joyce Sato-Reinhold
Check to ensure the auto-assignment of PRs on Github is functioning @Iván Perdomo