Passcode: 2@6T$8nn


Discussion points




Due date


Could we do a technical implementation where the sequence is saved and displayed to the user but individual instances of the tasks are only created when modified?

This would support
”indefinite” and reduce the complexity of changing a sequence.

What is the relative level of effort for the “template” implementation vs. a “dumb” approach similar to copying crop plans

Should we do a SPIKE on this?

Joyce Sato-Reinhold is interested

What attributes overlap between a sequence and a concrete task?

  • Assignee

  • Others… ?

What is a reasonable limit to the number of tasks you can create in a sequence?

How do notifications happen when creating sequences?

To decide whether on mobile view: Should we show how many animals match your current search, filter, and KPI selection criteria?

Loic Sans

From S82 Grooming

Joyce was in favour.

To investigate how other apps support csv upload for animals - how user friendly / aligned with csvbox flow is it?

Lite Farm

From S82 Grooming

To create a refactor tickets to update search behaviour in other pages in the app

  • Finances

  • Crops

  • Tasks

Loic Sans

From S82 Grooming