This is great news and we want to help you grow! (no pun intended). Should be hiring in this category… your contribution will put you a huge step ahead of other applicants.
This page will look into the best way to incorporate you as a regular member of the team under the direction of our technical lead. If you are more interested in simply building cool stuff and showing it off please check out → I just want to build cool stuff!
From here we suggest you self-assess yourself according to the following steps:
Step #1: Self assess your skill level:
In the collapsed area there is a table with our a learning path that we have laid out. Following it is not mandatory but it provides a rough checklist of how to get up to speed!
I am… | Characteristics may include.. | LiteFarm Onboarding Path | Intangibles |
A complete newbie | | JS Bootcamp recommendation Secondary interest bootcamp recommendation Mentor check-ins → Stack Journey: Junior Dev Path
| Mentorship Networking | A junior developer | | → Stack Journey: Junior Dev Path LiteFarm local running LiteFarm development processes (github, testing ,linting, etc) Guided stack journey through Jira tickets and ticket review Mentor check-ins Mentor opportunities Education suggestions
| Job references Job hunt help Mentorship Networking | An intermediate developer | Developing on a production codebase for several years In a position to mentor juniors Likely familiar with at least some of the stack
| → Stack Journey: Accelerated Junior Dev Path Mentorship responsibilities Guided interest specialisation (CI/CD, testing, db architecture, frontend, api, server etc) Education opportunities
| Mentor opportunities Leadership opportunities Networking | A senior developer | Developing on a production codebase for many years In a position to mentor intermediates Likely familiar with at least some of the stack
| → Stack Journey: Accelerated intermediate path Guided full-stack specialisation Mentorship responsibilities Leadership opportunities
| Mentor opportunities Leadership opportunities Operations opportunities Networking |
Step #2 Get Jira tickets according to the guided stack journey
In the collapsed area below is a table with an informal checklist of things to learn about LiteFarm and programming. The “type/review” means both creation of the code and review of others code of same type.
I think a true understanding of what this stack journey should look like will come from sorting and categorising Jira tickets.
Order | High Level Concept | Resources | Jira ticket tags/Badges |
1 | Bootcamp | | N/A | 2 | Local Setup | | | 2 | Github Beginner | | Beginner-easyfix Beginner-easyfix-review | 3S | Navigating Frontend | | Beginner-CSS/Review Beginner-Story/Review Beginner-PureComponent/Review Beginner-Container/Review Beginner-Forms/Review Beginner-Selector/Review Beginner-Saga/Review | 3S | Navigating Backend | | Beginner-Routes/Review Beginner-Controllers/Review Beginner-Validation/Review Beginner-Models/Review | 3S | Navigating mono-repo | | Beginner-Package.json/Review Beginner-Devtools/Review Beginner-Database/Review Beginner-CI/Review Beginner-Env/Review | 3S | Beginner mentorship | | Mentor a newbie Peer programming | 4S | Understanding Github | | Github Actions/Review Merging/Review Management/Review | 4S | Understanding Frontend | | Feature-View/Review Feature-Form/Review | 4S | Understanding Backend | | Feature with controller/Review Feature with migration/Review Feature with validation/Review Feature with model/Review | 4S | Understanding monorepo | | Dockerfiles/Review Docker development/Review Configuration/Review package.json vulnerability/Review | 4S | Beginner requirements | | Requirements pushback/Review Requirements collaboration/Review Dev process creation/review minor documentation/review | 4S | Understanding mentorship | | Mentor a junior Peer programming Run a sprint meeting | 5S | Understanding Deployment | | CI improvement/review Server differentiation/review | 5S | Understanding architecture | | Frontend Requirements creation/review Backend Requirements creation/review | 5S | Understanding requirements | | major documentation/review feature development/collaboration/review triage backlog/review | 5S | Leadership | | Mentor intermediates | | | | |
Step #3 Assess your time availability
There are several ways to communicate with us about how much you can take on as a contributor.
Please contact us on slack for invitations to any of these meetings.
Preferable way to let our team know your availability:
Other ways: