Fill in retro details in the table below. Type /date to quickly add the date and @mention participants to help them find the page.


In sprint

David Trapp (Unlicensed) Mwayanjana Bolokonya (Unlicensed) Javier Antonio Hernandez De Paz Carolina di Lello (Unlicensed) Duncan Brain Sayaka Ono Joyce Sato-Reinhold Denis Dovganyuk jeremy.bennett8 (Unlicensed) Cedric Levasseur-Laberge (Unlicensed) Gursimran Singh Iván Perdomo Lite Farm

At retro

Lite FarmDenis Dovganyuk David Trapp (Unlicensed) Duncan Brain Joyce Sato-Reinhold Sayaka Ono Mwayanjana Bolokonya (Unlicensed)


Posted in Slack


This retro is for the S62, roughly: Thursday, May 29th - Wednesday, June 7th

Please add comments before the meeting! We’ll take a few minutes to add additional comments and discuss, then put together action items to operationalize suggestions.

Last sprints (S61) retro is here: S61 (Sensor patch) Retrospective


Add your Start doing, Stop doing, and Keep doing items to the table below. We'll use these to talk about how we can improve our process going forward.

Discussion topics:

Start doing

Stop doing

Keep doing

Shout outs

  • Send API errors to Sentry (currently only picking up exceptions from webapp)

  • Add whatever you can to #contrib

  • Think through how modifications to access will impact folks outside the core team

  • Figure out how to get contributors into tech dailies

    • We could have certain days for core team and certain days as “office hours”. Alternatively, we could open up every day and just have a set agenda on certain days. Iván Perdomo please weigh in.

  • Tech dailies!

    • Should daily stand ups change to accommodate?

      • Seem like very different purposes - so NO!

  • Commitment to code quality, working together with reviews to bring our highest quality and low error code (blue star)

Action items:

During S63, Mwayanjana Bolokonya (Unlicensed) investigated and began implementing it on Beta. Iván Perdomo, it is active on Beta, but need to add the DSN when we add it to Production. Ticket number is LF-3359.

Iván Perdomo, proposes that we open it to the community ad-hoc. For example, we’ll have a session on DORA Metrics, which we’ll open to the community. But currently, would prefer to keep the dailies as they are with only staff present.