The LiteFarm GitHub repository uses various branches for specific purposes.

Working a ticket

This section assumes that you are familiar with git and GitHub concepts like clones, branches, commits, pull requests (PRs), and merges. If you are not, or feel uncertain, ask for guidance. The best learning resources will depend on the specifics of your knowledge, experience, and comfort level.

The following diagram provides a visual overview of LiteFarm workflows. Horizontal “swimlanes” group the activities by organizational role.

The bottom lane depicts your work as a software developer. The endless process “starts” when you begin working a ticket. When you submit a PR for that ticket, your focus shifts to reviewing a waiting PR that a teammate submitted for some other ticket.

The following bullets follow the Developers swimlane, with a focus on your source control activities. The Github Jira integration should automatically update Jira ticket status as indicated in the flow diagram.

Once you create the topic branch for the ticket. The Github Jira integration should automatically update the Jira ticket status from the “Sprint backlog” to “Development”.