As of late June - to be cleaned up:
Focus on the farmer
Build a clean, accessible UI. Simplicity > Robustness
Clear incentivization scheme for farmers to use the app, 1 stop shop to:
Get paid for your environmental services (PES)
Record all the data you need for your certification (Organic or otherwise)
Integrate, integrate, integrate! LiteFarm participates in open source consortia to:
Use existing data and ontolgies as user inputs (e.g. seeds, varieties, implements, methods, etc.)
LiteFarm allows farmers to collect the data necesary for their operations / payment schemes then…
Outsources the heavy lifting / modelling / calculations to other software services dedicated to that domain (e.g. OpenTEAM for soil health)
Format / transmit data to certifiers to help farmers achieve certifications
Contribute back our volumns of data