As of late June - to be cleaned up:If you haven’t yet, please look over our Mission Statement and Vision Statement before reading this document.
Accessibility + Incentivization = Adoption
Focus on the farmer! In order of importance:
Build a clean, accessible UI that farmers can pick up and use to run their farms (e.g. Simplicity > Robustness
Help our farmers make a living! Using LiteFarm allows farmers to:
Understand the finances on their farm, including:
Crop-by-crop profitability
When to sell based on seasonal fluctuations in crop price
Get paid for
their environmental services (PES)
Where possible, integrate with PES providers to make the process seamless
Where impossible, export relevant data to make the process easier
Record as much of the data they need for your certification (Organic or otherwise) as possible
Where possible, integrate
with certifiers to make the process seamless
Where impossible, export relevant data to make the process easier
Give farmers the access to expert knowledge and tools they need to run a successful farm! LiteFarm participates in and integrates with open source consortia to:
Pre-populate as much of the app with existing data and
ontologies (e.g. seeds, varieties, implements, methods, etc.)
LiteFarm allows farmers to collect the data necesary for their operations / payment schemes then…
as possible to satisfy #1 and suggest best approaches to farmers
Outsource the heavy lifting / modelling / calculations to other open source software services (see /wiki/spaces/LITEFARM/pages/1703965 for a more complete listing) dedicated to that domain (e.g.
LandPKS for soil health
Format / transmit data to certifiers to help farmers achieve certifications
Contribute back our volumns of data
, Cool Farm Tool for GHGs, etc.) and give the farmers the insights they need to make the right choices for their farm