You can also ask to join the LiteFarm project in Crowdin. After asking to join, please contact LiteFarm’s Farmer Success Associate Larisse Cavalcante at lcavalcante@litefarmcommunity@litefarm.org, with a brief introduction of yourself and why you are interested in supporting LiteFarm translations.
If you do not have proofreading permissions, your contribution finishes here. Please contact lcavalcante@litefarm.org our team to inform that you have finished the Crowdin translations and attach the PDF document file. In case you are also a proofreader, you should now approve the translations.
Once you have approved all the strings from all the files, the translation process is finished, please contact lcavalcante@litefarm.org our team to inform that you have completed the translations and proofreading.
In some cases, screenshots will be available (blue selection) to help you see the strings within the app. It may also be useful to investigate the context directly in the app. However, if you are still unsure about the context for an untranslated string, please contact our Quality Assurance Engineer, Denis Dovganyuk, at ddovganyuk@litefarm.org. For any other support or information, please contact our Farmer Success Associate, Larisse Cavalcante, at lcavalcante@litefarm.org. team asking for clarification.
Thank you so much for helping us to achieve our goal of putting LiteFarm in the hands of 10,000 diversified farmers worldwide!