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Exists for …



Farm Owner

AKA Farmer, Owner

All farms

The owner of the farm. In some cases, they are the sole owner/operator of the farm business. In others, they work with their spouse or other partner, possibly just occasionally bringing in temporary workers / WWOOFERS. Other farm owners are more removed from the day-to-day management, leaving that up to a Supervisor to tend to, while they are mainly involved with the planning stages, tracking price lists, financials, overall farm issues, payroll, weather monitoring etc. However, that said, most Farmers are pretty involved with monitoring daily farm activity.

Full access.

Farm Manager

AKA Foreman, Farm Supervisor

More mature, larger farms

Responsible for enacting the day-to-day activities in order to keep on track with the farmers overall cropping plan for the year. Assigns tasks to workers and monitors their work as well as overall farm activity and fertility. Reports back to the farmer. This position is often year round. Depending on the size of the farm, there could be multiple supervisors - e.g. Greenhouse supervisor, Berry supervisor, etc.

Almost full access. May not see worker wages or financial insights.

Farm Worker

AKA Farm Labourer, Farmhand

Almost all farms

Workers come in many permutations. Some work standard 8 - 5 type schedules for a season while others are hourly. Some workers are “floaters” that are assigned tasks for a specified time period, e.g. to help this person or that person while others are brought on for a specific activity, e.g. to harvest, to work in the greenhouse, to run or maintain machinery, etc.

Read on most things. Write on some items.
