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Bug Bash Fundamentals

Orientation meeting:
Video link
Passcode: RBU^OY9*

What is a bug bash?


Bug Bash Fundamentals

Orientation meeting:
Video link
Passcode: RBU^OY9*

What is a bug bash?

It’s a collaborative event where the whole team, no matter what their role is, comes together to try to “break” the application in creative ways ahead of a release. The goal is to find as many bugs as possible in a short period of time, and since every person in the team will have their own unique perspective and use the application in different ways, there are better chances of uncovering issues, defining how severe they are and if needed fixing them ahead of the release. It’s also a great opportunity for people to spend some time familiarizing themselves with the application and putting themselves in the shoes of one of our users. And last but not least, breaking things can actually be fun! By doing bug bashes often, we’re cultivating a blame-free culture where we take bugs as a chance to bond as a team, learn and improve.


No matter the result, if the issue found is something we’d like to fix eventually, we’ll create the corresponding ticket in Jira and add it to the Backlog. If we come to the conclusion that one or more bugs are actually blocking the upcoming release, we’ll add those tickets to the current sprint and give them the highest priority. If no bugs are found that are blocking, we’ll proceed with the release process as normal and work on the reported issues in future sprints depending on their priority.







User role(s)


E.g.: Denis Dovganyuk


E.g.: Spanish, English


E.g.: Farm Owner, Farm Worker


Duncan Brain


Joyce Sato-Reinhold




Extension Officer


Larisse Cavalcante




Farm owner


Sayaka Ono




Farm Manager


Denis Dovganyuk


David Trapp


English, Portuguese


Farm owner


Divya Chayanam


Joaquín Moreno


English, Spanish


Farm Owner


Martina Propedo


This bug bash will be focused on testing Release 3.6.5. The purpose of the patch is to give our users the possibility to create a detailed soil amendment task. So that they can efficiently plan and document the soil treatment processes and ensure proper execution by the assigned staff.
What is more this release should fix some highly annoying issues that were in the APP for a while, for example the White Screen.


Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

The main focus of the session should then be on creating the Soil amendment task, creating other types of tasks, visiting the tasks page, deleting the tasks that were created, abandoning the tasks, completing tasks.
We need to be sure that once the user is trying to complete the task he should be able to finish it both by making changes during the completion or not.
For more details on some of the things to assert for, check out the User Stories below.

User Stories

As a (potential) LiteFarm user of any role:

Task Management Guidelines

Viewing and Adding Tasks

  • When accessing the tasks page, you should be able to view any previously created tasks and have the option to add a new task.

Adding New Tasks

  • Ensure that clicking the “+ Add a new task” button allows users to select any task type, including the Soil Amendment task.

  • Copy crop plan should successfully create copied tasks.

Filters Functionality

  • Verify that filters are working correctly by testing different filter options to ensure appropriate results. Be aware of known issues related to displaying tasks from previously deleted areas.

Account Permissions

  • Confirm that FO/FM/EO accounts can still manage custom tasks.

  • Ensure that all users can create any type of task, with the exception that FW accounts cannot create Planting and Transplanting tasks or manage custom tasks. Test by creating various task types, including Soil Amendment tasks.

  • Confirm that all users can create or edit products from within the product-containing flows (soil amendment, cleaning task, pest control tasks)

Task Creation Process

  • During task creation, verify that you can complete the task by assigning it to yourself and marking it as already completed.

  • Ensure the ability to cancel task creation by clicking the “Cancel” button. A confirmation pop-up should appear:

    • Clicking “No” allows you to continue the process.

    • Clicking “Yes” aborts the process, redirecting you back to the tasks page.

  • Ensure that you are still able to create any kind of a task for a wild crop. If you don’t know how to create a wild crop please ask Denis Dovganyuk

Post-Creation Verification

  • After creating a task, verify that the task information is correct in view-only mode by selecting the newly created task on the tasks page.

  • Ensure that any changes to a task (created, completed, abandoned, deleted) trigger a notification to the assignee.

Task Management

  • Confirm that you can still delete or abandon created tasks.

  • Verify that navigating back and forth during the task creation flow retains previously entered information.

  • Confirm that tasks are correctly abandoned or deleted when management plans are abandoned/deleted

  • Confirm the flow works equally well for built-in tasks and for custom tasks

Documentation of Added Products in Certification Export

  • Should record the quantity of soil amendment products in completed tasks added to organic locations for organic certification-pursuing farms in Record I - Crop Productions Aid of the certification document export

[Link to appropriate sections of the Sanity Script here if there are any] Sanity Script

Known Issues

  • We know that the user is able to create the 2 or more custom tasks type with an exact same name.

  • We know that once the user opens the LiteFarm Tab after he has closed his laptop he won’t be able to continue the creation process from the place he stopped.

  • We know that to apply the filter by date range, you need to change another filter setting as well

Session Details


Synchronous or asynchronous?






Where to test?

... Beta

Bug Reports














Also seen by


E.g.: Denis Dovganyuk


E.g.: The SSO button is not clickable


Repro steps

  1. Access LiteFarm logged out

  2. Click on the Google SSO button


Should navigate to the Google page to choose an account


Nothing happens



E.g.: No


E.g.: High


E.g.: Yes


E.g. Joyce Sato-Reinhold


Joaquín Moreno


Deleting a soil amendment task throws an error page

Repro steps

  1. Create a Soil Amendment task

  2. Return to the Tasks page

  3. Click on the task created on step 1

  4. Delete the task


After deleting a task the user should be sent back to the Tasks page.


After deleting a task the app shows an error page. After refreshing, the actual updated Tasks page appears.









YES! 😁


Larisse Cavalcante


Soil amendment creation flow: MISSING translation


Repro steps

  1. Create a Soil Amendment task

  2. Choose the date


“Selecione o(s) local(is) de adubação e correção do solo:”





David Trapp


No inline error for character count for “Describe the purpose”

image-20240719-180130.pngImage Removed

2 issues:

  1. Should run a check on character limit, same as notes field, though ideally with reduced character limit

  2. should display an inline error






Duncan Brain


When assigning a task one option should have in brackets (me) to distinguish between similar names

Repro steps

  1. Have two users with the same name

  2. Go to assign task


One entry should have (me), or some other distinguiser like email address, beside it.


Only important in areas where multiple people can have the same name (John Smith, John Smith Jr.)



Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 2.07.51 PM.pngImage Removed




reminder you do not need to fill this in yet


depending on their priority.




User role(s)

E.g.: Denis Dovganyuk

E.g.: Spanish, English

E.g.: Farm Owner, Farm Worker

Duncan Brain

Joyce Sato-Reinhold


Extension Officer

Larisse Cavalcante


Farm owner

Sayaka Ono


Farm Manager

Denis Dovganyuk

David Trapp

English, Portuguese

Farm owner

Divya Chayanam

Joaquín Moreno

English, Spanish

Farm Owner

Martina Propedo


This bug bash will be focused on testing Release 3.6.5. The purpose of the patch is to give our users the possibility to create a detailed soil amendment task. So that they can efficiently plan and document the soil treatment processes and ensure proper execution by the assigned staff.
What is more this release should fix some highly annoying issues that were in the APP for a while, for example the White Screen.

[Jira links]

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

The main focus of the session should then be on creating the Soil amendment task, creating other types of tasks, visiting the tasks page, deleting the tasks that were created, abandoning the tasks, completing tasks.
We need to be sure that once the user is trying to complete the task he should be able to finish it both by making changes during the completion or not.
For more details on some of the things to assert for, check out the User Stories below.

User Stories

As a (potential) LiteFarm user of any role:

Task Management Guidelines

Viewing and Adding Tasks

  • When accessing the tasks page, you should be able to view any previously created tasks and have the option to add a new task.

Adding New Tasks

  • Ensure that clicking the “+ Add a new task” button allows users to select any task type, including the Soil Amendment task.

  • Copy crop plan should successfully create copied tasks.

Filters Functionality

  • Verify that filters are working correctly by testing different filter options to ensure appropriate results. Be aware of known issues related to displaying tasks from previously deleted areas.

Account Permissions

  • Confirm that FO/FM/EO accounts can still manage custom tasks.

  • Ensure that all users can create any type of task, with the exception that FW accounts cannot create Planting and Transplanting tasks or manage custom tasks. Test by creating various task types, including Soil Amendment tasks.

  • Confirm that all users can create or edit products from within the product-containing flows (soil amendment, cleaning task, pest control tasks)

Task Creation Process

  • During task creation, verify that you can complete the task by assigning it to yourself and marking it as already completed.

  • Ensure the ability to cancel task creation by clicking the “Cancel” button. A confirmation pop-up should appear:

    • Clicking “No” allows you to continue the process.

    • Clicking “Yes” aborts the process, redirecting you back to the tasks page.

  • Ensure that you are still able to create any kind of a task for a wild crop. If you don’t know how to create a wild crop please ask Denis Dovganyuk

Post-Creation Verification

  • After creating a task, verify that the task information is correct in view-only mode by selecting the newly created task on the tasks page.

  • Ensure that any changes to a task (created, completed, abandoned, deleted) trigger a notification to the assignee.

Task Management

  • Confirm that you can still delete or abandon created tasks.

  • Verify that navigating back and forth during the task creation flow retains previously entered information.

  • Confirm that tasks are correctly abandoned or deleted when management plans are abandoned/deleted

  • Confirm the flow works equally well for built-in tasks and for custom tasks

Documentation of Added Products in Certification Export

  • Should record the quantity of soil amendment products in completed tasks added to organic locations for organic certification-pursuing farms in Record I - Crop Productions Aid of the certification document export

[Link to appropriate sections of the Sanity Script here if there are any] Sanity Script

Known Issues

  • We know that the user is able to create the 2 or more custom tasks type with an exact same name.

  • We know that once the user opens the LiteFarm Tab after he has closed his laptop he won’t be able to continue the creation process from the place he stopped.

  • We know that to apply the filter by date range, you need to change another filter setting as well

Session Details

Synchronous or asynchronous?



Where to test? Beta

Bug Reports







Also seen by

E.g.: Denis Dovganyuk

E.g.: The SSO button is not clickable


Repro steps

  1. Access LiteFarm logged out

  2. Click on the Google SSO button


Should navigate to the Google page to choose an account


Nothing happens


E.g.: No

E.g.: High

E.g.: Yes

E.g. Joyce Sato-Reinhold

Joaquín Moreno

Deleting a soil amendment task throws an error page

Repro steps

  1. Create a Soil Amendment task

  2. Return to the Tasks page

  3. Click on the task created on step 1

  4. Delete the task


After deleting a task the user should be sent back to the Tasks page.


After deleting a task the app shows an error page. After refreshing, the actual updated Tasks page appears.



Joyce: this was the console error I saw when reproducing this

Image Added




YES! 😁

Joyce Sato-Reinhold

Thank you for finding Joaquín! I can repro this if I set the measurement type to volume. I’ll add the console error to the details…

Larisse Cavalcante

Soil amendment creation flow: MISSING translation

Repro steps

  1. Create a Soil Amendment task

  2. Choose the date


“Selecione o(s) local(is) de adubação e correção do solo:”



image-20240719-174907.pngImage Added

David Trapp

No inline error for character count for “Describe the purpose”

image-20240719-180130.pngImage Added

2 issues:

  1. Should run a check on character limit, same as notes field, though ideally with reduced character limit

  2. should display an inline error

Joyce Sato-Reinhold wait I’m way more horrified by that TypeError that happens to be in your console in this screenshot 😆 (that error has nothing to do with character count) David Trapp was there a consequence in this situation like not being able to submit the form?



Duncan Brain

When assigning a task one option should have in brackets (me) to distinguish between similar names

Repro steps

  1. Have two users with the same name

  2. Go to assign task


One entry should have (me), or some other distinguiser like email address, beside it.


Only important in areas where multiple people can have the same name (John Smith, John Smith Jr.)


Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 2.07.51 PM.pngImage Added


reminder you do not need to fill this in yet

reminder you do not need to fill this in yet

Joaquín Moreno

Some typos and improvements for Spanish translation terms

I’m a bit finicky when reading Spanish, so feel free to ignore those suggestions that were already discussed in the past and you reached some consensus.


  1. “Aditivo de suelo” (current translation for “Soil Amendment”) doesn’t refer to an action (i.e. it has no verb) as it happens with most of the task names. Therefore I would rename it to something like “Acondicionar suelo”;

  2. In “Control de pestes” (current translation for “Pest Control”), “pestes” is incorrect in this context. It should be “Control de plagas”;

  3. When creating a Soil Amendment task and selecting the location, it’s missing the translation “Seleccione la(s) ubicación(es) de la tarea”. In the English version we are being more specific (“Select the soil amendment location(s)”), so maybe the translation should be “Seleccione la(s) ubicación(es) para el acondicionamiento del suelo”;

  4. When adding the product(s) for the soil amendment task, the “remove” button is not translated. It should be “Eliminar”;

  5. When configuring a product for the soil amendment task, there is a typo (“fetilizante” instead of “fertilizante”). The part “del suelo” is redundant and should be removed. The translated line should be “¿El fertilizante está en la lista de sustancias permitidas?”;

  6. When being asked by the workers wages, “modificar” sounds more natural than “alterar” in this context. Also, “cesionarios” is a bit confusing in this context and it should be replaced with “asignados”. So the full line should be translated like “¿Necesita modificar el salario de los asignados a esta tarea?”;


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  2. 2.jpgImage Added

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