Versions Compared


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  • litefarmapp, a Digital Ocean Droplet that:

    • runs the webapp package (behind an Nginx reverse proxy) in litefarm-web, a Docker container assigned the hostname

    • runs the api package in litefarm-api, a Docker container assigned the hostname

    • runs PostgreSQL in a Docker container named litefarm-db

    • provides file storage for the database contents and backups

  • litefarm-imaginary, a Digital Ocean Droplet that:

    • provides file storage for ? images

    • runs the “exports package” jobs scheduler Node service

    • runs the Redis-based work queues used by the API server to submit export jobs to the scheduler

    • runs the image manipulation microservice imaginary in a Docker container

    • runs an Nginx web server, hostname, that:

      • serves images ….?

      • reverse proxies access to a Docker container running the image manipulation microservice imaginary

  • Digital Ocean Spaces (object storage “buckets”) that provide storage for …


  • liteformbeta, a Droplet that duplicates the services on litefarmapp, with hostnames and

  • export-beta, a Droplet that duplicates the services of on litefarm-imaginary, with one exception 🗒

  • Digital Ocean Spaces (object storage “buckets”) that provide storage for

Individual developers run local instances of the the litefarm-web, litefarm-api, and litefarm-db Docker containers. There are buckets .

🗒 All deployments-- production, pre-production, and local developmentindividual developers-- use the single instance of the imaginary microservice on